Klingon Assault Group

Announcing Mindscanner #88
Happy Samhain and Halloween, Warriors! Issue #88 of the Mindscanner, the official publication of the Klingon Assault Group, has just been released! It contains news

Klingons never let you down!
Commedia Beauregard, the creators of A Klingon Christmas Carol lead by Q’DroS vestai-qIln, have released their latest Klingon Karaoke video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0YC3RpvE3M

AER: Inside Pitch Toy Show and Good Day To Dine
Begin Transmission. INSIDE PITCH TOY SHOW IXL Colonel Keela zantai-Septaric reporting. I secured permission to enter Executioner space to set up and man a KAG

AER: Hickory Con’s Good Day to Dine
Begin Transmission. IXL Colonel Keela zantai-Septaric reporting. A successful battle should always be celebrated with feasting and drinking, and the battle to raise funds and

AER: Hickory Con
Begin Transmission. IXL Colonel Keela zantai-Septaric reporting. Hickory Con is a biannual gathering of extraterrestrial (and sometimes time-traveling) lifeforms and humans in the Hickory (NC)

AER: Asheville Comic Expo
Begin Transmission September 21, 2013 ACE was a convention that the IKV Restless Star had initially made arrangements to attend, but due to transferring to

AER: XLV Korelath – Dragon Con 2013
Once again, the crew of the Korelath (though this was our first DC as a ship!) traveled to Dragon Con in Atlanta, GA. Vynni, Lissan,

AER: Dragon*Con 2013
Begin transmission: This is IXL Colonel Keela zantai-Septaric with a brief report from Dragon*Con 2013. Because this Warrior worked undercover facilitating the customs officials in

AER: IKS ponglu’Ha’: Amazon Warehouse Tour
Several months ago, our local Amazon Fulfillment Center announced a tour and open house to be held on September 14th. So on the appointed date,