AER: Dragon*Con 2013

Begin transmission:

This is IXL Colonel Keela zantai-Septaric with a brief report from Dragon*Con 2013. Because this Warrior worked undercover facilitating the customs officials in offloading and processing the various attendants, this convention was more difficult than years past and very little was seen outside of the Sheraton Hotel with the exception of the Dragon*Con parade and Star Trek Guinness Book of World Records attempt, with KAG meeting afterwards, in the Marriott. But duty is everything and I found satisfaction in performing mine.

Thanks to Lt. Mort’xx vestai-Jolnes and Lt. J’Tarr vestai-Jolnes, for allowing Katkith and me to crash in their room coordinates. It was a most glorious room, one of the best I have ever been privileged to drop my bat’leth in. My schedule was this:

Arrival Thursday afternoon, offload, get in room, report for work and work from 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm, come back, unpack, eat, crash

Friday morning, report for work at 8:00 am and work to 1:00 pm, go to room, eat, the rest is blurred, get ready for Keela and Katkith’s Klingon Karaoke, set up at 8:00 pm, started when all was ready, went to 2:30 am, back at room at 3:00 am, crash and burn

Saturday morning, up at 6:30 am, Mort’xx up as well, dressed and carried disruptor rifles, banner to lobby, meet up with Crimson Knight Fleet Warriors (Robert Williams and Doug Hall), march to staging area, get lost, march again, find area finally, move to three locations as directed, march in parade, march to room, shower, eat, crash

Sunday morning, report to work at 8:00 am and work to 1:00 pm, go to room, eat, go to Miss Star Trek Universe Pageant at 3:00 pm, help, watch pageant, cheer for Adrienne Dinnall, go to Marriott for Star Trek Guinness Book of World Records attempt to be possible steward, not needed, sit with j’rel Kor on front row, take holo-images, recruit Aliens, set up for KAG meeting, give Kolex Ship of Honor banners and suggested promotions, after meeting go to room, shower, pack, crash

Monday morning, up at damned early hour, moved out of room, in shuttle and heading away from Atlanta by 9:00 am

Thanks to all who contributed to KAG’s portion of the Star Trek activities, especially the parade, Miss STU, Guinness Book of World Records attempt (917 of us), and KAG meeting (with Awards and Promotions). You are much appreciated for your support of the Klingon Assault Group! Keep up the good work!!!!

Congratulations to the following:

Ship of Honor 2012

DMF — Undecided
WFQ — IKV Astris
DSQ — IKV Executioner
DPQ — IKAV Rogue Phoenix
DVQ — IKV Devisor

Ship of Honor 2013

DMF — Undecided
WFQ — IKV Korelath
DSQ — IKV Restless Star
DPQ — IKV Rogue Phoenix
DVQ — IKV Blood Warriors

Promotions given:

Chris Jones, CO of IKV Ghostwing, now Lt. Mort’xx vestai-Jolnes
Tina Jones, XO of IKV Ghostwing, now Lt. J’tarr vestai-Jolnes

Kate Hayes-Huer, CO of IKV Korelath, now IXL Captain Thellizhír “Ell” vestai-ch’Lethlaen
Robyn Hayes-Huer, XO of IKV Korelath, now IXL Captain Thevynnian “Vynni” vestai-sh’Chavar
Adrienne Dinnall, crew member of IKV Korelath, now IXL Lt. Lissan tai-sh’Zahar
Ian Huer, crew member of IKV Korelath, now IXL Lt. Thian tai-th’Chavar

Steve Marco, Warrior at large, now IXL Lt. Q tai
Judith Marco, Warrior at large, now IXL Lt. “The Borg Queen” tai


IXL Colonel Keela zantai-Septaric
Deputy Commander
Dark Moon Fleet


End transmission
