Klingon Assault Group

Announcing Mindscanner #87
Happy Fourth of July, Warriors! Issue #87 of the Mindscanner, the official publication of the Klingon Assault Group, has just been released! It contains reports

Appointment of Dark Vengence Quadrant Commander
Hail Honorable Warriors of KAG, On behalf of Dark Moon Fleet CO, Admiral Kolex epetai-QIHqem, it pleases me to announce that as of today, Lieutenant Commander

New KAG Quartermaster!
With the departure of Lady Khidri, KAG finds itself in need of a new Quartermaster. After considering the options, I have decided to give the

New Dark Moon Fleet Deputy!
In preparation for the KAG General Assembly which took place at ConCarolinas recently, I spoke to Dark Moon Fleet Commander Kolex (who unfortunately could not

New KAG deputy
I took command of KAG just about four years ago, at Marcon 2009. In that time I have been without a deputy. It is time

AER: Concarolinas 2013
CONCAROLINAS Stardate: 201305.31-06.02 Award: battle notch Krikor’s Log: As part of my annual tradition of visiting different parts of KAG, I had planned to visit

KAGCom AER: Star Trek: Into Darkness Movie Premier
Begin delayed transmission The highly anticipated sequel to the Star Trek movie reboot by J. J. Abrahms opened Wednesday May 15th at midnight. Keela was

AER: CP24 “Family Feud”
CP24 TV APPEARANCE Stardate: 201305.19 Award: battle notch Krikor’s Log: M’Rel and I, along with potential recruit Troy “Tron” Bowman appeared in Klingon uniform alongside
AER: Star Trek Into Darkness Opening Weekend
STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS OPENING WEEKEND Stardate: 201305.16-17 Award: battle notch Krikor’s Log: M’Rel and I were asked to appear in uniform at the Varsity