Klingon Assault Group

Klingon Assault Group

The Biggest Klingon Club In The Galaxy! The Most Fun Klingon Club In The Galaxy! The Fastest Growing Klingon Club In The Galaxy! And We Aren't Just Klingons! Aliens From Any Species Can Join Too! 30 Years strong!
After Event Report
Commander naHQun sutai-ronIy

InConJunction 2013

I did not attend myself, but am relating the tale as I understand it. Fourth of July weekend brought InConJunction to Indianapolis. Along with the

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After Event Report
IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric

ConCarolinas 2013 AER

Transmission delayed by Ferengi issues and corrupted by tribble infestation. The Ferengis have been dealt with and the tribbles purged. FRIDAY The oversized cargo vessel

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News and Announcements
IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric

Announcing Mindscanner #87

Happy Fourth of July, Warriors! Issue #87 of the Mindscanner, the official publication of the Klingon Assault Group, has just been released! It contains reports

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News and Announcements
Thought Admiral Krikor epetai-jechwI'

New KAG Quartermaster!

With the departure of Lady Khidri, KAG finds itself in need of a new Quartermaster. After considering the options, I have decided to give the

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News and Announcements
Thought Admiral Krikor epetai-jechwI'

New Dark Moon Fleet Deputy!

In preparation for the KAG General Assembly which took place at ConCarolinas recently, I spoke to Dark Moon Fleet Commander Kolex (who unfortunately could not

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News and Announcements
Thought Admiral Krikor epetai-jechwI'

New KAG deputy

I took command of KAG just about four years ago, at Marcon 2009. In that time I have been without a deputy. It is time

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After Event Report
Thought Admiral Krikor epetai-jechwI'

AER: Concarolinas 2013

CONCAROLINAS Stardate: 201305.31-06.02 Award: battle notch Krikor’s Log: As part of my annual tradition of visiting different parts of KAG, I had planned to visit

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