KAG has undergone structural changes to its system of support divisions. Support divisions are those that provide services and information to the organization and its members, as opposed to combat divisions (Marines, IXL, Demonfleet) that actually have ships and members serving under them. Under these changes, there are now three support divisions, some of which subsume the responsibilities of previous support divisions. These divisions are:
Logistics: This is a new division. The Logistics division is responsible, in general, for making information available to the membership of KAG. Logistics coordinates KAG’s online presence, including (but not limited to) websites, social media, newsletters and publications, recruiting media, the process of getting new members signed on to the groups and forums, and other such functions. Logistics subsumes the former Ecorps and Force Recon divisions, as well as publication of the Mindscanner. Logistics is headed by Captain qurgh zantai-lungqIj (Chris Lipscombe), former Ecorps head. qurgh will be coordinating the various members assigned to the tasks of Logistics, as well as working with the other two support divisions to make their resources available to the membership.
Quartermasters: A before, the Quartermaster division is responsible for providing resources to the membership of KAG in the area of crafting, including (but not limited to) uniforms and prosthetics, weapons, props, models, displays, and other crafts of interest to Klingons. Quartermasters is headed by Lt.Cmdr. Dragen vestai-Draconus (Tony Christensen). Dragen will be assisting the general membership connect with those members who have needed crafting skills, as well as working with qurgh to get quartermaster information posted to the web for use by our members.
Culture: This is a new division. The Culture Division is responsible for providing resources to the membership of KAG in areas of interest that do not involve crafting. including (but not limited to) ceremonies and rituals, history and mythology, combat training, food and beverages, music, language, and other activities of interest to Klingons. The Culture division subsumes the former Hol ‘ampaS (Language Academy) division. The Culture division will be headed by Lt.Cmdr. Marok vestai-toQqul (Marc Malnekoff). Marok will be setting up the structure of this new division to make cultural resources available to the membership,as well as working with qurgh to get culture information posted to the web for use by our members. Marok is new to division command, so welcome him to this new post!
Over the next while I will be working with qurgh, Dragen, and Marok to make the changes to KAG’s division setup. This may take some time, so be patient.
for KAG