After Event Report: Ship Meeting at Chick-fil-A

On August 29th, cha”Iv (who is 6) asked me when our next Klingon meeting was:

cha”Iv: Papa, when are we going to have another Klingon meeting?

Me: I’m not sure, when would you like to have one?

cha”Iv: How about next Saturday?

Me: Okay, and what do you think we should do for our Klingon meeting.

cha”Iv: Well, we could go to Chick-fil-A, and we could eat. And then we (the children) could go and play while you (the adults) talk.

Me: And are we wearing our uniforms while we eat?

cha”Iv: No. We can wear normal clothes.

And so on September 7th, we gathered at our local Chick-fil-A.

cha”Iv reminded about the event Friday morning, and again the day of. Amazingly she kept track of the date without the use of a calendar or day planner.

We had 7 members show up. We would have had 8, but she had car problems.

The evening went exactly as cha”Iv laid out. We ate, she played in their play area, and the adults talked.

Even though we were at a fast food establishment, we had amazing service. Our food was brought to our table. Someone cleared away our empty trays. Someone came by several times for drink refills. (trips to Denny’s have resulted in having to obtain our own refills…)

As the evening came to an end, cha”Iv thanked everyone for attending her event.

In attendance:


This is the first event that cha”Iv has planned.

Commander of the IKS pongHa’lu’
