Klingon Assault Group

Klingon Assault Group

The Biggest Klingon Club In The Galaxy! The Most Fun Klingon Club In The Galaxy! The Fastest Growing Klingon Club In The Galaxy! And We Aren't Just Klingons! Aliens From Any Species Can Join Too! 30 Years strong!
FedCon 31
News and Announcements
Warrior Tyami QanaSon

FedCon 31, Bonn, Germany

Honored warriors, heed my words! You shall curse your ancestors for a hundred generations if you miss the next glorious battle of FEDCON! The crew

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Invasion of Libertycon

AER: We attended Libertycon this weekend in Chatanooga, TN representing the IKV Taj HeH. This is a Fantasy and Sci-Fi literature convention in its 35th

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After Event Report
Commander Martok sutai-lungqIj

KAG INVADES APPLE BLOSSOM FESTIVAL ATTENTION WARRIORS: On Saturday May 6th, 2023 the crew of the IKV Executioner made an away mission to the Taylorsville

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After Event Report
IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric

WNC Comic Con Victory!

On May 20th 2023 the KPV Krimson Fury invaded the WNC Comic Con at the WNC Agricultural Center located at 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher,

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After Event Report
IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric

Hickory Comic Con Invaded!

On April 29, 2023 local ships from the Klingon Assault Group descended upon the Hickory Comic Con at the Hickory Metro Convention Center in Hickory,

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After Event Report
IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric

Charlotte Comicon Event

On Sunday, April 2, 2023, Dave Hinson and Rick Fortenberry once again put on a hugely successful Charlotte Comicon at the Embassy Suites Hotel in

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After Event Report
IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric

IKV Krimson Fury Cookout

On March 25, 2023 the fearsome KPV Krimson Fury commanding officer Lt. Cmdr. Dronoss vestai-Hov Che’ and second officer Lt. Cmdr. Krikala Vestai-Hov Che’ invited

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