6th Annual Concord Micro Con Invaded!

On May 6, 2023 the fearsome and brave CO and XO, Lt. Cmdr. Dronoss vestai-Hov che’ and Lt. Cmdr. Krikala vestai-Hov che’ respectively, of the KPV Krimson Fury invaded the 6th Annual Concord Micro Con at the Cabarrus Brewing Company with help from a cloaked Cadet IXL 2nd Lt Gartok tai-Hov che’ who loaded and unloaded battle equipment.

The convention was a new invasion opportunity for the crew, but made more enjoyable because of the many familiar faces. Below with Krikala a lady from the SC Horror Con cosplaying Wednesday Addams. Their booth was next to the Klingons.

Being on site at a brewery meant many tasty, intoxicating Earth drinks were just waiting to be enjoyed. The age appropriate crew did so but did not neglect their duty looking for new recruits and taking donations.

The interior was hotter than Vulcan (thank Kahless for the liquid refreshments) and it was difficult to maintain morale, but we were able to use our new display backdrop and unleash our new pet targ!

The many generous huMans gave a total of $136.59 in donations for Kwanzaa Family Inn women’s shelter. Qapla’!

We hope to invade this convention again next year, but with air conditioning this time so our faces aren’t literally melting off.

Lt. Cmdr. Krikala vestai-Hov Che’, XO, KPV Krimson Fury
