Klingon Assault Group

Klingon Assault Group

The Biggest Klingon Club In The Galaxy! The Most Fun Klingon Club In The Galaxy! The Fastest Growing Klingon Club In The Galaxy! And We Aren't Just Klingons! Aliens From Any Species Can Join Too! 30 Years strong!

Klingon Ambassadors

Greetings! On this episode of KAG Podcasts, John talks with three members about what is a Klingon Ambassador, and what a Klingon Ambassador does. It

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After Event Report

The Ultracon Mission

My fellow warriors and I embarked on a journey to Ultracon, located in the land of West Palm Beach. We united with fellow Klingon brethren

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After Event Report
IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric

HeroesCon – June 16-18, 2023

“HEROES CONVENTION was founded in 1982 by Shelton Drum, owner of Charlotte’s Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find comics shop. Since then the convention has become famous for its

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After Event Report
IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric

ConCarolinas June 2-4, 2023

ConCarolinas is the longest running convention in the Carolinas. On June 2-4, 2023, the Klingon Assault group, led by the IKV Executioner on Friday, once

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