“HEROES CONVENTION was founded in 1982 by Shelton Drum, owner of Charlotte’s Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find comics shop. Since then the convention has become famous for its comics-first and family-friendly atmosphere, where fans can mingle directly with professionals and exhibitors. Boasting an incredible guest list built mainly on reputation and goodwill, HeroesCon is known nationwide as a “must” on the summer schedule, drawing fans, exhibitors, and creators from every region of the country to the Charlotte Convention Center [Charlotte, NC].” hereosonline.com/heroescon/
The Klingon Assault Group, spearheaded by the IKV Executioner, has been attending this convention for many years. Typically we raised funds for Carolina Caring, formerly known as Catawba Valley Palliative Care and Hospice, located in Newton, NC. Since 2014 we have conducted a double fundraiser by including Kwanzaa Family Inn women’s shelter located in Lenoir, NC in our fundraising efforts.
We like to give back to the communities we have conquered.
Set Up — Thursday June 15
Keela and Martok packed their respective conveyances and met up at Martok’s human place of employment. Together they journeyed without incident to the Charlotte Convention Center, but got separated near the underground entrance to the building. It was a long wait to get inside. By the time Keela made it into the belly of the beast (basement loading area) Martok had already single handedly offloaded a great deal of his trailer. Together they worked on setting up the arrangement and were joined by the KPV Krimson Fury command staff, Dronoss and Krikala. Finally everything was set up and covered for the battle the next day.
Day 1 Report — Keela
It was a day of battle raising funds for hospice and the women’s shelter, but we were victorious. We expected the IKS Oblivion crew to join us, but the CO, IXL Lt. Way’nar vestai-Baar’ur (Wayne Brown), reported that the shuttle sustained severe damage passing through the Marr’yot Cluster F and had to divert to the Lexington Space Center drydock for repairs. They would resume course on Saturday.
Day 2 Report — Keela
It was a day like the others: some attention for the fundraiser, some possible recruitment, fellowship with each other and neighbors. We were glad to see IXL Lt. Taelaan tai (Brian Holloway) attend this day, albeit in Federation uniform, so we did the only natural thing. We detained him as our “guest.” The day was spent continuing to raise funds for both Kwanzaa Family Inn and Carolina Caring Hospice.
Day 3 Report — Way’nar
After a good night of feasting and rest, the valiant crews of the Oblivion, Executioner, and Krimson Fury headed into their last day of glorious battle to raise tribute for the Kwanzaa Family Inn women’s shelter and Carolina Caring hospice.
IXL Cadet 2nd Lt. Eva tai-Barr’ur, in the final hours of battle, helped rally her worn and battered fellow warrior to push through and conquer the day to bring the total amount of tribute raised to $2225.05 for EACH charitable organization!
This is the way!
In Conclusion — Keela
While packing up the KAG table, there was some frightening excitement with the parking structure where Keela’s shuttle was docked. Someone struck a water pipe on one of the floors and the ensuing rupture set off the fire alarms and the gates to the garage closed. Keela rushed back and got her vehicle moved to the exit and, by a miracle of Kahless, the gate finally opened and she was able to park on the street nearby.
The cargo hold of the IKV Executioner had to be rearranged with the cargo hold of the KPV Krimson Fury in order to make room for the IKS Oblivion personnel and belongings to return home via the IKV Executioner shuttle. But all went well and everyone made it back to their home coordinates safely.
Qapla’ and thanks to all warriors who participated, all attendees of Heroes Con who gave and especially to Shelton Drum and the staff of Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find for allowing us to return once again to raise funds for two very worthy charities. Qapla’ to all!!!!
The next HeroesCon is June 14-16, 2024!
Here is the collage created by Krikala for Carolina Caring’s newsletter!
IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric, CO Dark Star Quadrant, CO, IKV Executioner, DSQ IXL Legate