Klingon Assault Group

Klingon Assault Group

The Biggest Klingon Club In The Galaxy! The Most Fun Klingon Club In The Galaxy! The Fastest Growing Klingon Club In The Galaxy! And We Aren't Just Klingons! Aliens From Any Species Can Join Too! 30 Years strong!
After Event Report
IXL Captain Alin Prinna tai-lungqIj

AER: IKV ta’veng at Marcon

Reporting: IKV ta’veng at Marcon May 9-11 Upon learning of a Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention in our general area, an away team was dispatched from ta’veng composed

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IKS meyIS Hegh Logo
News and Announcements

AER: IKS meyIS Hegh Report on Away Mission

Report on Away Mission Star Date 5.24.2014Crew on Mission: D’Lara (captain, Jennifer Strand), Kara (XO, Anita Long), G’nol (navigation/communications, Nicholas S Long) Kahlan (Security officer)New Crew Members (Klingon names

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After Event Report
IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric

AER: Hickory ComiCon

Begin transmission: IXL Colonel Keela zantai-Septaric, CO of the IKV Raging Wolf, reporting. Due to various battles of Real Life, I was unaware (or had

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After Event Report

AER: Starfest 2014

AER: Starfest 2014 Holoimages can be found on the House Vampyr site.   Thursday: We all arrived via shuttle to the hotel convention center Denver

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News and Announcements
qurgh la'quv

Announcing Mindscanner #90

Issue #90 of the Mindscanner, the official publication of the Klingon Assault Group, has just been released! It contains important news of interest to all

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After Event Report

AER: Ronald McDonald Charity Event

AER: Date: March 24th 2014. The following ships gathered for our annual charity work at the Ronald McDonald House..http://www.rmhc.org/ IKS Mystic Vampyr, IKS Tiburon, USS

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