AER: IKS meyIS Hegh Report on Away Mission

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Report on Away Mission 
Star Date 5.24.2014
Crew on Mission: D’Lara (captain, Jennifer Strand), Kara (XO, Anita Long), G’nol (navigation/communications, Nicholas S Long) Kahlan (Security officer)
New Crew Members (Klingon names and ship positions to be decided): Teri Fowler and Amanda Hawkins
Also 2 Jr Male warriors were added. Jessie (12) and Roman (10)
The rain and the Drive In where claimed for the Klingon Empire this night as the ships crew watched Godzilla. The smallest crew member Kahlan was very off put that there was only on lizard to be seen in the movie and stand by her assertion that Godzilla is a Dragon not a lizard. One away ship did lose power for a short time. But a helpful human was able to jump start it back to life. Our two Jr male warriors showed their stuff by sitting out in weather. Food and good time was had by all. 
The 4 founding crew where presented special Klingon patches. Coming events were discussed. The next planed event will be 5.31.14 at the Wine Festival. We will be bring in another new Crew member at that event and toasting her in with Wine of course. We are planing for opening weekend of the Renfair and a BBQ. Also events with the House VamPyr. In the fall we are looking to support our community by going to the Re Opening of the Royal Gorge.
