Winter WNC Was Coming! KAG Was Ready!!!

On October 28, 2023, the IKV Executioner and the IKS Oblivion joined forces to conquer the WNC Comic Con.

Attending from Executioner were IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric and IXL Lt. S’Risha vestai and her Borg targ, the Raging Marshmallow. Attending from Oblivion were IXL Lt. Way’nar vestai-Barr’ur and his parmaqui, Heather, and progeny, IXL Cadet 2nd Lt. Eva tai-Barr’ur.

After powering up the KAG table, prowling of the convention and raising funds began! It was great to see old friends and make new ones.

Eva dressed in her Mando Wendy to take the stage and, with her dance, stomp into embers the Ghostrider kid who always seemed to win in his tired, frayed outfit with very little effort. She did her best and, in this Warrior’s opinion, won the show in her category, but she accepted 3rd place gracefully. I guess you can figure out who got 2nd. Grrrrr….

Qapla’ Eva, we know who had the best costume.

$268 was raised ($200 for roof fund and $68 for Christmas fund) for Kwanzaa Family Inn. S’Risha and the Raging Marshmallow raised 20% of that total number. Qapla’!

Keela displayed her Halloween rocks for sale and raised $10 for candy for Kwanzaa’s Halloween Party. A set of scarecrow and his wife were presented to Tim MacMahon for allowing KAG to come to his conventions. Qapla’!

Afterwards both ships warped off to their respective destinations. A good time was had by all.

IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric
