Klingon Assault Group Fleets

All the fleets, quadrants, squadrons, stations, outposts, and ships that pledge loyalty to the Klingon Assault Group.
Group: Klingon Assault Group Fleets
Commanding Officer: Thought Admiral qurgh epetai-lungqIj

South and Central America
Group: Bat'leth Fleet
Commanding Officer: Thought Admiral qurgh epetai-lungqIj

Ships in the Central United States
Group: Cold Terror Fleet
Commanding Officer: Admiral Marok zantai-toQqul

Ships in Central Canada
Website: http://ckf.kag.org/
Group: Crimson Knight Fleet
Commanding Officer: Admiral Maj'vIq zantai-Mk'naj
Executive Officer: Thought Admiral Krikor epetai-jechwI'

Patrolling the British Isles, Northern Ireland, and Ireland
Group: Cromlech Isles Fleet
Commanding Officer: Captain Ya'el sutai-Ghela
Executive Officer: Captain Perom sutai-Konjah-MartaH

Ships in the Eastern United States
Group: Dark Moon Fleet
Commanding Officer: Admiral chISwI' zantai-lungqIj

Ships in the Western United States This fleet services these states MT, WY, CO, NM, ID, UT, AZ, WA, OR, NV, CA, AK, HI
Website: http://kff.kag.org/
Group: Klin-Fire Fleet
Commanding Officer: Marine General Vam'Pyr zantai-VamPyr
Executive Officer: Lieutenant Commander K'Hos yab

Ships in Western Canada
Group: Northern Storm Fleet
Commanding Officer: Admiral K'Rau zantai-qulpach
Executive Officer: Commander Vangor sutai-Ragnar

Ships in Eastern Canada
Group: Rising Sun Fleet
Commanding Officer: Marine General D'Gor zantai-son of Mar'Ej House of Remjar
Executive Officer: Marine Lieutenant Colonel K'Oron vestai-Kasara