taj HeH since November

Due to honestly a lack of time, this AER will cover the events of the taj HeH since November 1st and will cover the mission which will be completed January 23rd– 24th.

Our ship was finally able to implement our vision of giving back to our community. We accomplished this through several smaller missions that led to a successful completion of our much larger mission.

We adopted a family for Thanksgiving and thanks to many donors we raised two hundred dollars, two boxes of stuffing and several cans of cranberry sauce. In addition to this adoption, we partnered with Hunger Fight helping to pack 21,378 meals for “after school” meals for struggling families of our county.

In December we adopted another family raising one hundred fifty-five dollars, a donated tree decorations and tree stand.

Our newest member April donated fifty dollars to toys for tots and an additional 340 dollars to goodwill.

Our XO Mary donated 20 pounds of canned goods to another charity.

Contacted by a local business we were asked to collect and provide blankets and clothes to the homeless in our area. Unfortunately this business shortly after our agreement for partnership decided they couldn’t participate because of corporate decision. We met and decided this mission was too important to let it die and I reached out with to the United Way. We Have high hopes that this partnership will be a life long partnership that future members will be participating in.
