Bound by Honor 36 – A Singular Destiny by Keith DeCandido
This episode of Bound by Honor, Jorn and Ja’Jim discuss Keith Decandido’s A Singluar Destiny. Following the Borg invasion detailed in the Destiny trilogy, Keith writes about the aftermath of the invasion and the formation of the Typhon Pact while following the adventures of Sonek, a capable representative of the Federation. Along with being a transitional story between the two series, there is a good Klingon story involving Klag and his fleet as they repel an invasion by the Kinshaya. Sonek is not only a fine representative for the Federation, he is also a musician and there are several songs referred to in the text. We have compiled recordings of the songs mentioned, and here are the links to hear those…
Banned From Argo:
Golden Vanity:
Sailing Down That Golden River:
Crossroads Blues: