Benefits of KAG Membership 3: Jenbom: The Klingon Pop Warrior

Benefits of KAG Membership
Benefits of KAG Membership 3: Jenbom: The Klingon Pop Warrior

Welcome to the Benefits of KAG Membership Podcast. The purpose of this podcast is to help prospective, new, and even those who have been members for a while, find ways to get involved.

On this edition, Jorn and Ja’Jim are joined by Jenbom, The Klingon Pop Warrior (Jen Usellis). Have you ever heard your favorite songs in the “original Klingon?” Well, if you haven’t, you’re in for a real treat. Jen takes the lyrics for popular songs and translates them into Klingon, then makes professional recordings of them for your listening pleasure. She explains how she goes about the process to produce outstanding Klingon renditions of songs that you know and enjoy. In the links below, you will find Jen’s website and Facebook page.

Ultimately, what you get from your KAG membership depends entirely on what you put into it. There are many ways to be involved. There are countless members to help you become involved at whatever level you choose. Qapla!
