BBH 47 – Legends of the Ferengi and Star Trek: Worlds of Deep Space 9.
Because of a miscommunication between your brave hosts, Jorn and Ja’Jim, you are getting reviews of not one, not two, but three stories in this episode of Bound by Honor. First, they look at Legends of the Ferengi by Ira Steven Behr. In this one, Quark takes us through the Rules of Acquisition one at a time to explain so even a hu-mon can understand them. Next, in Worlds of Deep Space 9, there are two novellas discussed. One is Keith DeCandido’s Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed, a story about how Rom is getting along as the Grand Nagus on Ferenginar. The other novella is Olympus Descending by David R. George III. It is a story about the Dominion. Jorn and Ja’Jim talk about all three books at the same time, so listen carefully, and remember they are both old and suffering from senility as you listen to this 47th episode of Bound By Honor! Qapla!