KAG Victory at New Boone Collectible Show!

On August 27, 2022, Natasha Matthews, former owner of The Gaming Pad in Hudson, NC, held a toy and collectibles show in Boone, NC. All went well and a lot of happy visitors flocked to the event. But it nearly did not happen, except for the help of the Klingon Assault Group and Kwanzaa Family Inn volunteers.

The week before the convention, Natasha’s set up crew abandoned her. She had the venue paid for and already arranged for all of the tables and chairs and had marked off the hall for the various booths. Keela found out and assured her she didn’t have to worry about help; KAG would jump in. And we did!

Flying to battle that day were the IKV Executioner CO and XO, Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric and Lt. Cmdr. Martok sutai-lungqI. Flanking them were the KPV Krimson Fury acting CO and XO, Lt. Dronoss vestai-Hov che’ and his mate, Lt. Krikala vestai-Hov che’. A little later IXL Lt. Way’nar tai-Barr’ak of the Executioner arrived to assisted. He sported his IXL Mando uniform.

Proud Mandalorian Xeno Legion Member

Despite the fact, KAG had its own table to worry about, Keela (class B uniform) and her volunteers from Kwanzaa Family Inn set up the tables that Natasha needed for her part in the event. She knew the other crew members would perform admirably. Keela and her KFI friends continued to serve until the very end of the show and assisted Natasha with her take down as well.

Early on Krikala was tapped to take monies and tickets and she did so with great skill. She, Martok and Dronoss set up the beautiful KAG table. While Krikala worked entrance, they ran the table and raised funds. Way’nar attended and helped as much as he could once he arrived.

Natasha and Krikala

At the end of the day, KAG and the KFI volunteers helped Natasha pack up her toys and collectibles (hopefully way more organized than the way they were before. Two trips down the mountain would be necessary for her to get all her stuff removed from the venue. She broke even on this first time con, which was a little disappointing for her. KAG was also a little disappointed but realized this was a first time con for us to raise funds for Kwanzaa Family Inn and took it in stride.

One of the coolest things for Keela to see at the con was the entire 1979 Mego 12 inch action figure collectible set from Star Trek: The Motion Picture which was on sale for a mere $225. It was a great insight into what her own Klingon collectible looked like before it sustained the sun damage it did.

Single ridged Klingon Warrior from Star Trek: The Motion Picture

After a hard day’s work, the KAG members and the KFI volunteers journeyed to the Coyote Kitchen in Boone, NC for a well deserved spicy meal of Southwestern origin. Lt. Cmdr. Katkith of the Executioner joined his crew for the feast. A good time was had by all, even though the work load was far greater than a normal convention.

Katkith and Martok
Krikala and Dronoss

Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric, CO IKV Executioner, CO Dark Star Quadrant
