Hickory Comic Con September 7, 2019

Two members of the IKV Executioner warped down to the Hickory sector to engage in battle at the Hickory Comic Con and raise funds for Kwanzaa Family Inn. CO, IXL Brigadier Keela, and Chief Medical Officer, Lt. Martok, battled long and hard. Many photo ops were done with the “General” and much funds was raised. $601.12 in combined cash donations and Square donations, with $100 additionally set aside for the Christmas Fund for the shelter and $501.12 donated to Kwanzaa’s main office for other pressing needs. Qapla’ to the crew and especially to Martok,who battled ceaselessly in this effort!

After the battle, a Good Day to Dine was had at NY Hibachi Buffet, where we invited our neighbors and frenemies, The Star Trek Independent Fleet (STIF) to join us. Also participating in the meal was a cloaked T’Ja (Vulcan, or maybe Romulan… her past is mysterious). It was a glorious feast. All participating uniformed KAG Warriors received a battle notch for each event.


IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric
CO, IKV Executioner
IXL Liaison, Dark Star Quadrant
