Hickory Comic Con Fall Show – 9-23-23

Saturday September 23, 2023, KAG swooped down upon Hickory Comic Con to set up a presence. Cmdr. Martok vestai-lungqIj, DSQ CO and IKV Executioner XO, took the lead followed closely by Executioner CO, IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric.

Martok had loaded in the Borg Regeneration Chamber and the Command Chair and almost all of his items by the time Keela arrived. The only problem was that the only space available was right in front of the huge bay door used to drive vehicles through for convention display Not all of them had arrived yet. So everyone was using that entrance to bring their display items, tables and equipment in while KAG waited.

Keela got her items loaded in and assisted with the transport of the Borg Queen to her Chamber. Just then Lt. Cmdrs. Dronoss and Krikala vestai-Hov ‘che, CO and XO respectively of the KPV Krimson Fury, arrived with their cargo. So we started building our tables anyway.

Finally the big bay door was shut and we could assemble our KAG presence appropriately. Considering the delay, the display was completed by the time the convention started at 10:00 am.

Martok had purchased a package of four fitted black tablecloths for 8 foot tables. What an amazing acquisition! The convention had given two tables and we had two of his. We got them all covered and base decorated, but it turned out we only had space for two. We adapted and used three.

Meanwhile the IKS Oblivion docked, with IXL 1st Lt. Way’nar tai Barr’ur in the lead. He had diplomatic guests with him who required passage to the convention. They had a good time. Here is Way’nar with Keela sporting his new cloak and ridges.

Around 11:00 am, Krikala left for the Hickory Museum of Art to view her painting which had been done by Matthew Good some weeks earlier, unbeknownst to her. It is a beautiful rendition of her at a former convention. She and progeny Sam went to the museum and caused quite a stir, since she was dressed nearly identically as the portrait. Sam said the event was one of the most amazing things he had ever experienced. Krikala got her holoimage made with it.

Matthew Good came to the Hickory Convention and got to speak with Krikala and others. It was quite exciting! And what an honor to be portrayed in that manner! Qapla’ to Krikala!

Around noonish a cloaked IXL Lt. S’Risha vestai and her targ/Borg, the Raging Marshmallow (Wallaby) arrived by shuttle. They assisted with fundraising, but did not have much luck.

A very pleasant surprise came in the surprise beam down of long-time KAG members 1st Lt. K’Share tai (Penny Claudia Black) and 1st Lt. Kaleb tai (Billy Black)! It was good to see them!

Way’nar was very happy to see Marilyn Monroe at the convention!

A good time was had by all and $277.33 was raised for Kwanzaa Family Inn women’s shelter. The Warriors had to pack up early due to the bay doors needing to be opened once again for exiting the convention. Afterwards, the exhausted warriors went their separate ways to their home coordinates. Qapla’!

IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric, Retired DSQ CO, IKV Executioner CO, DSQ IXL Legate
