IKV Predator Invades ICCC in Franklin, TN 9/14-9/15/18

Imperial Commissary Collectors Convention, or ICCC, was a first-time con in Franklin, TN, right outside Nashville. With media guests William Shatner, Marina Sirtis, Rene Auberjenois, and John de Lancie, it had the look of a Star Trek convention. While it was definitely that, one cannot overlook the myriad Star Wars vendors and collectors in attendance. Vendors came from as far away as Canada and Australia. Steve Sansweet, known for having the world’s largest collection of Star Wars merchandise, was there to give a panel, as well as Corey Dee Williams, son of Billy Dee Williams. Other guests to round out the sci-fi part of the con were Cas Anvar from The Expanse and Sam Jones from the 1980 Flash Gordon movie.

The celebrity Q&A panels were a smash hit. At his panel, someone asked William Shatner how he de-stresses from traveling so much. He said he hugs his Doberman when he gets home. Marina Sirtis was looking totally hot at 63 years of age in her mini-skirt and high heels. Sam Jones said he often gets mistaken for Dolph Lundgren.

The 501st brought huge props for fans to take their own photographs recreating an action scene on the forest moon of Endor. Hip hop trooper was also there, doing his thing. There was a Friday night collectors’ party where private collectors put their merch on display for sale. Rare items like the original Han Solo action figure from Kenner, still in original packaging, for a thousand dollars was nothing to laugh it up at, fuzzball. The house band was a local band called Checkpoint Charlie, who sings a lot of original Star Wars songs, sang a nice tribute song to Marina Sirtis.

Among cosplays I spotted were Indiana Jones, M’Ress from Star Trek: The Animated Series, stormtroopers, ghostbusters, Harry Potter, and Han Solo. Local band Mize and the Drive also played some rock and roll during the con brought the house down. Local comic book store Great Escape had comic books for $1 each.

N’ayr and Kavura, CO and XO of the IKV Predator in Nashville, had a fan table for the for KAG. They met many Trekkies who were excited to learn about the club. Several warriors from the Predator were there working other fan tables, including Leslie and Stephen Willis on the Battlestar Raven fan table, Mark Naccarato on the Romulan Wars fan film table, and Sherrie Adams and Teena Godwin on the Cosplay Collective fan table. 7 total for the ship, and at least 1 new person was recruited. Another victory for the Predator!


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