While it is never seen, I have assumed that the Krada is a type of creature, that has enough meat in or on its legs to be eaten. I figured it probably had a shell, so that the Klingons could appropriately rip apart and crunch through the shell before getting at the meat underneath.
I decided to make a variety of seafood parts which could be put together to form a Krada. I used spider crab legs and Moreton Bay bugs to create the creature. I am pretty convinced that Moreton Bay bugs are aliens anyway, so it helped with the dish. This is a simple dish to put together which has the added bonus of spooking anyone not familiar with Klingon food!
(Serves 2 as starter)
- 2 Moreton Bay bugs
- 3 or 4 spider crab legs
- Small bunch of parsley, chopped fine
- 4 tablespoons butter at room temperature
Turn your oven broiler (or what I would call the grill – you want top-down heat) so it can heat up while you prepare the seafood. To start, mix your chopped parsley into the butter, and set aside.
Start by cutting apart the spider crab legs (if needed) and place them on a tray covered with aluminum foil. Place them under the broiler for about 3 or 4 minutes, until the shells have turned pink. Flip over and cook on the other side for about 2 minutes. Remove from the grill and set aside.
With a heavy knife, chop the Moreton Bay bugs in half, and prop them up on a baking tray so the meat is facing up. Spread the butter mix over the meat. Put these under the broiler and cook for about 5 minutes, until the meat is firm and the butter has melted in.
Arrange your crab legs and Moreton Bay bugs in a suitably Klingon manner (which now I think about it, probably means chucking randomly on a plate!) and serve.
- If you can’t find Moreton Bay bugs, you could substitute crabs or even lobsters
- I left the crab legs whole primarily for photographic purposes – you can always split them open before broiling which makes it easier to get the meat out
- Pre-cooked crab legs would work here too, just heat them up before serving.
I served this with a fish ceviche to make a full meal.
recipe / https://foodreplicator.tumblr.com/