Charlotte Mini-Con Battle

On February 4, 2023 the fearsome Klingon vessels, the KPV Krimson Fury and IKV Executioner invaded the Charlotte Mini-Con at the Grady Cole Center in Charlotte, NC. Attending were Krimson Fury CO, Lt. Cmdr. Dronoss vestai-Hov che’, and XO, Lt. Cmdr. Krikala vestai-Hov che’. Attending from the Executioner were CO, IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric, and crew IXL Lt. S’Risha tai and the Raging Marshmallow.

The con organizers (Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find) are an wonderful group of huMans, but the Ferengi that own this facility have no honor. Not only were they charging $10 parking fees at a $5 Comic Con, they started charging 2 hours before the time they had stated they would. What do you expect from a species that care only for Latinum?!?

The day was long and the battle mighty, but due to the fact that the ancient Terran facility had no Turbolifts, our mobile unit powered by the Raging Marshmallow and guided by Lt. S’Risha, was unable to get to the lower level where most of the attendees and vendors were. The front entrance as well was a challenge due to no handicap accessibility. In addition, the Ferengi were swarming the front entrance and wanding everyone, checking for concealed weapons like they had the President of the United States attending the event. It was time consuming, noisy and chaotic.

Fundraising in the midst of all of this was a true Challenge. Even with the help of IXL Lt. Kukana vestai-B’ry, aka Susan Mahaffey, from the IKV Stonedagger we were only able to raise $235. The battle was hard fought, but we live to fight another day.

Hungry from battle the two crews feasted at the Flaming Buffet for some much needed sustenance.

Next invasion will be at the Statesville Comicon. Glory to the Empire…..QAPLA’!!

Lt. Commander Dronoss vestai-Hov che’ CO of the KPV Krimson Fury
