Charlotte Comicon Summer Show AER

Apologies for the lateness of this After Event Report for the Charlotte Comicon Summer Show, but once the battle was over, the Mission continued and time was of the essence.

On August 3-4, 2019, the command crew of IKV Executioner warped to the Charlotte, NC sector to invade the Charlotte Comiccon on a mission to raise funds for Kwanzaa Family Inn. This invasion, however, was a very special one: all monies raised would go to immediately purchase items directly needed by the facility to adequately serve the residents. To differentiate between the days, Keela was Imperial on day 1, Classic on day 2. Grakus remained Rom both days. Notice when looking at the KAG table pics that the Romulan sword was named “Kindness” as in, kill them with kindness.

CO, IXL Brigadier Keela of House Septaric, and XO, IXL Major Grakus of House Mjolnir (Romulan), took the challenge seriously and for two days raised funds towards that end. A total of $548 in cash was raised and around $76.98 in Square donations was donated for other expenses directly into Kwanzaa’s account. After each day, a Feast was had in honor of the hard work done by the two Warriors. Grakus will report on each of those Good Days to Dine.

The next week Keela took the donated cash and procurred three good used refrigerators a dryer, three new house phones, a brand new 1.6 cubic capacity microwave, printer cartridges, refrigerator thermometers, toilet paper, paper towels, and other much needed supplies for the continued smooth operation of the shelter and the health and wellbeing of its residents.

Many thanks to all who donated and especially to the convention organizers for allowing KAG to come in and raise funds (and for the offered donation in November of an upright freezer which will be much appreciated)!

A highlight of the event on Sunday was meeting the Mayor of Indian Trail, NC, Michael L. Alvarez (like him on Facebook). He is a huge Star Trek fan and you may remember several years ago about the City Councilman who resigned in Klingon? It was one of his people. He remains very positive towards the Klingon language and actually speaks some and he LOVED seeing Klingons at the Comic Con and visited the KAG table several times. He has pledged to help Kwanzaa in the future and it was just the coolest honor to meet him and his daughter.

Another highlight for Keela was the meeting of an audience member from Treklanta who witnessed her participation in and winning of The Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant. His analysis of her performance: “just hilarious!”


IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric
CO, IKV Executioner
Dark Star Quadrant IXL Liaison
