Boone Comic Con — 10-7-23

“The Terran town of Boone, NC was windy and frigid. Reminded me of those vacations on Rura Pente during summer solstice,” IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric was overheard to mention after the mission.

On October 7, 2023, The IKV Executioner descended from orbit to one of the more populated peaks of the Blue Ridge Mountains where the college town of Boone, NC was situated in order to attend Boone Comic Con, sponsored by Dragon’s Den Comics.

Keela, Executioner CO, was the first to arrive, ill equipped for the brisk wind whipping everything in sight. Upon discussing KAG’s table location with a convention official, she was led to a far corner of the Boone Mall. Fortunately, the location had a large landing bay nearby so she redocked her shuttle to offload easier. She finished the task quickly.

Cmdr. Martok vestai-lungqIj, DSQ CO, received a subspace signal from Keela directing him to dock in the same area. Together they offloaded the cargo bay of his shuttle and began setting up the KAG table. It required a little creative re-arrangement of the furniture at the mall, but the end result was amazing!

The IKS Oblivion arrived with crew and a Jedi guest, Heather. The CO, IXL 1st Lt. Way’nar vestai-Barr’ur, brought his collectibles to add to the display. Young IXL Cadet 2nd Lt. Eva tai-Barr’ur arrived debuting her TAS uniform! Qapla’! Way’nar and his people had their holoimages taken with special backgrounds dropped in. The effect is wonderful!

The Boone Comic Con realized after KAG got there that they had forgotten to choose a charity, so they graciously chose Kwanzaa Family Inn. They are supposed to send extra funds later to help the shelter. Qapla’! Throughout the day they plugged Kwanzaa Family Inn.

They had a microphone available and Keela took advantage of it to speak about the mission and to sing. She sang Beyond Antares the first time, the Klingon Anthem the second time, and “Tu Lo Sai” an Italian song singing of the infidelity and evil of someone close to them which was fitting because Martok held the Borg head while Keela rapped on it with a mek’leth during the song.

IXL Cadet 2nd Lt. Eva did a great job supporting, was very helpful and represented KAG well.

Everyone worked hard and raised $314.86 for the Kwanzaa roof project and $313.16 for Kwanzaa’s Christmas Fund. Qapla’!

There was, however, time to have some fun as a friendly little match with Batman proved. Last year, Way’nar scouted out this convention for KAG to attend in the future. His efforts paid off today. We are grateful, son of Mandalore.

IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric, CO, IKV Executioner, DSQ IXL Legate
