SuvwI’ – Warrior

5 Points

You must earn a Battle Notch to reach the level of SuvwI’ (Warrior).

1 Step

  • Earn a Battle Notch

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Cadet Warrior Judy
  • Profile photo of ava-kaleth
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant John tai-
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant Ka\'La tai-
  • Profile photo of Maratei Adranai
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Kraaglinkasa tai-MartaH
  • Profile photo of Commander Martok sutai-lungqIj
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant Maria tai-Dutilly
  • Profile photo of Warrior Vaebn tai-ei-Krocton i\'Ra\'tleinfi tr\'Jeiai
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant K\'voq tai-Grilka
  • Profile photo of Klingon1
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Commander Karm sutai-Drexa
  • Profile photo of IXL Major Athena Dejar sutai-Hovbe\'-Kurkura
  • Profile photo of Warrior qrell House of QanaSon
  • Profile photo of Warrior Lodni QanaSon
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant T\'Kol Norgh tai-QanaSon
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant QalaH tai-QanaSon
  • Profile photo of Warrior Durani tai-QanaSon
  • Profile photo of Commander Perom sutai-Konjah-MartaH
  • Profile photo of Captain Ya\'el sutai-Ghela
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant Kevin tai-House of none
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant Gep tai- Ka’Leth
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant evala tai-
  • Profile photo of K\'arm sutai-Drexa
  • Profile photo of Sergeant QIb D\'akturak
  • Profile photo of Warrior Fyrebug House of Fyre
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-tlor
  • Profile photo of Commander Kuruk vestai-Rustadzh
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-krag-kuragan
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Commander Korath vestai-Septaric
  • Profile photo of gheyIl
  • Profile photo of riktah-kolarh
  • Profile photo of BusterTheDestroyer
  • Profile photo of Sergeant Temar D\'Hatham
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant ch\'Doq vestai-t\'roqmaH
  • Profile photo of IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric
  • Profile photo of IXL Lieutenant Tali Nar tai-
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Commander Q\'omm vestai-Kurkura
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-kris-hansen
  • Profile photo of K\'Tyr sutai-Drakn
  • Profile photo of avarq
  • Profile photo of 2nd LT R’Une tai-Mar’Cha
  • Profile photo of Hiro
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Commander Khyron vestai-Krom
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant Wayne tai-K\'Ran
  • Profile photo of kalamity-klark
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant Klark tai-Klark
  • Profile photo of Divok
  • Profile photo of Corporal Selmak QanaSon
  • Profile photo of warrior-jhan-rehop
  • Profile photo of IXL Captain Alenis Naprem tai-QanaSon
  • Profile photo of warrior-tammoh-qanason
  • Profile photo of warrior-brel-kaleth
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant Kepjas tai-
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Modet tai-Keres
  • Profile photo of Ja\' Drak vestai-Krom
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Keh\'Lahn vestai-Kla\'Horrak
  • Profile photo of commander-ka-pak-sutai-tkrul
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Kib’tore tai-Ka’Leth
  • Profile photo of chuck
  • Profile photo of Cadet Corporal Kar\'Zack Ka\'Leth
  • Profile photo of sergeant-d-gord
  • Profile photo of Warrior Mythos Soong
  • Profile photo of shmucat
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-shron-tai-ragnar
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-vrell-tai-ragnar
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-kempel-tai
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-vixsor-tai-ragnar
  • Profile photo of Kordan
  • Profile photo of Du\'Kath VamPyr
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant J\'ari tai-
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-kire-helmirg
  • Profile photo of IXL Lieutenant Vyrian tai-St\'lar
  • Profile photo of roteq\'Iwchab
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant K\'ogor tai-Kaku
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-valesa-loa-tval
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-michael-tai
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-justin-dupras
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-wolf-toqqul
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-wamwl-toqqul
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-vsahc-toqqul
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-dess-toqul
  • Profile photo of IXL Major Z\'Gath tai-Vok\'tor
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Lom-Gof tai-
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-iseghim-tai
  • Profile photo of ensign-kitiqat
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant K\'Tal vestai-LohrDan
  • Profile photo of ensign-krilkallah-dungyisunsin
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-korg-vestai-pallara
  • Profile photo of marine-major-taark-vestai
  • Profile photo of marine-captain-ygritte-tai
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-khat-tai-riskadh
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-puqab-tai-mknaj
  • Profile photo of ixl-lieutenant-dirk-tai-chekar
  • Profile photo of mightymom239
  • Profile photo of commander-moq-sutai-kohless
  • Profile photo of corporal-byontol-jajim
  • Profile photo of corporal-tkol
  • Profile photo of corporal-chbaq
  • Profile photo of sergeant-lana-voris
  • Profile photo of corporal-madzih-dax
  • Profile photo of corporal-chrissy-jajim
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-arroh-mina
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-kiltarc-leb
  • Profile photo of Commodore chISwI\' sutai-lungqIj
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-mektor-tai-ktor
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-kalesta-tai-ktor
  • Profile photo of Corporal Selik
  • Profile photo of ixl-lieutenant-john-mor
  • Profile photo of Marine Major N’Mira K\'tal vestai-House Remjar
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-mikael-tel-boq
  • Profile photo of harfanghelm
  • Profile photo of sventhor
  • Profile photo of general-botaq-zantai-bir-jablu
  • Profile photo of krous-birjablu
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-cyanna-tai-qrak
  • Profile photo of Cadet Corporal Tok tai-
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-mivaa-tai
  • Profile photo of Cadet Corporal OrnaQ tai-Q\'Rak
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-krankie-tai-qrak
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-qartaj-tkrul
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-karsha-vestai-tkrul
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-karrak-vestai-magar
  • Profile photo of ixl-captain-aros-tai
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-jael-tai-vimasbej
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Kru\'Den tai-Martok
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Commander DuKath tai-VamPyr
  • Profile photo of risah
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-dax-vampyr
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant G\'aylen vestai-Greve
  • Profile photo of Isha
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant sa\'Hley tai-na\'qaHmuraH tuq
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant na\'tan tai-na\'qaHmuraH tuq
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant M\'sai tai-Ku\'vaj
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Rihkh tai-Ku\'vaj
  • Profile photo of mortah
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Em\'ihley tai-Ku\'vaj
  • Profile photo of Mek\'tor sutai-Ku\'vaj
  • Profile photo of Vicki
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant Dranna Aika tai-Sobek
  • Profile photo of nagh qab Jev
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant Lonta\' tai-DungyI\'SunSIn
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-manta-tai-kass
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-menja-vestai-kass
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-telpeh-tai-jaduch
  • Profile photo of Sergeant Major Camelia LaTejana DungyI\'SunSIn
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant KR4ZED vestai-D\'ung\'Yi\'Sun\'Sin
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-jayne
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant blQ\'a tai-Cook
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Kl\'awloS vestai-
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-kovar-mektor
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-qirna-tai-qorus
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Lizoa vestai-
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-kornan-tai-qorus
  • Profile photo of Commander Doval sutai-SepchIS
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-qai-tai-ondagh
  • Profile photo of captain-chil-zantai-devwi
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-kdunn-tai
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-gyar-vestai
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant Mi\'kel tai-Martos
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant K\'Elanna tai-D\'ung\'Yi\'Sun\'Sin
  • Profile photo of Xyannis
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-kahl-draq-tai
  • Profile photo of Marine Major K\'lark vestai-
  • Profile photo of marine-captain-mrok-vestai
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant Jon tai-Schmidt
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-dyana-tai
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-kurn-vestai
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-marc-tai
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-ghobqan-tai-mknaj
  • Profile photo of darth-vaderloo
  • Profile photo of ixl-captain-dhivani-vestai-mknaj
  • Profile photo of aelan
  • Profile photo of marine-captain-ztanna-vestai
  • Profile photo of Val-Kris
  • Profile photo of ixl-major-kavura-vestai-kcep
  • Profile photo of Kira
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-christian
  • Profile photo of kitara1
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Makayla tai-DungyI\'SunSIn
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-ashley-cotton
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-voq-tai
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Komag tai-Komag
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Commander Martek vestai-Konjah
  • Profile photo of mommazon
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-teelis-tai-movak
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-monk-torius
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Commander K\'lay vestai-Ar\'Dur
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-korath-tai-movak
  • Profile photo of Commander A\'kiel sutai-Daw
  • Profile photo of Commodore K\'Rau zantai-qulpach
  • Profile photo of kaympe2016
  • Profile photo of asteridb
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-mara-tai
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-karhammur-tai
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Kor\'taj tai-VamPyr
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Commander Ja\'Jim vestai-Ja\'Jim
  • Profile photo of Commander Kordash sutai-Trekkan
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-tala-tai-dax
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-kila-vestai-selyn
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-torlek
  • Profile photo of cadet-lieutenant-komex-tai-kurn
  • Profile photo of Marine Major mar Sal sutai-Kurkura
  • Profile photo of rockket5210
  • Profile photo of commodore-marok-zantai-toqqul
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Commander Klina vestai-DungyI\'SunSIn
  • Profile photo of corporal-dorzha-vampyr
  • Profile photo of Commander V\'Kar sutai-Zadan
  • Profile photo of Marine Brigadier D\'Gor sutai-son of Mar\'Ej House of Remjar
  • Profile photo of Marine Lieutenant Colonel K\'Oron vestai-Kasara
  • Profile photo of marine-major-mox-vestai-kukura
  • Profile photo of kona-nor
  • Profile photo of Commander Gortok sutai-QIHqem
  • Profile photo of Marine Lieutenant Prang tai-Kurkura
  • Profile photo of IXL Major N\'ayr sutai-K\'cep
  • Profile photo of Commander Kamish sutai-Devnoh
  • Profile photo of Marine Major Mistress Reedus vestai-
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant Nerak tai-Vixens Fury
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-kalitta
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Azetbur vestai-T\'Lak
  • Profile photo of goth-gore
  • Profile photo of kkass
  • Profile photo of captain-ripar-sutai-bortas
  • Profile photo of captain-jag-zantai-kurkura
  • Profile photo of azetbur-konor
  • Profile photo of qitu
  • Profile photo of emira
  • Profile photo of commander-khartan-sutai-molnoth
  • Profile photo of jdmcowan
  • Profile photo of commander-jenbom-sutai-toqqul
  • Profile photo of Closed
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-qurras-vestai-kurkura
  • Profile photo of akela1806
  • Profile photo of Commander Kayless sutai-lungqIj
  • Profile photo of Marine Brigadier Vam\'Pyr sutai-VamPyr
  • Profile photo of sergeant-teddi-qurghs-pet-targh
  • Profile photo of Lieutenant Commander M\'QurQl tai-VamPyr
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-leraq-tai-vampyr
  • Profile photo of 2nd Lieutenant K\'ram tai-VamPyr
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-edward-tai-vampyr
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-duane-vampyr
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-ghojira-vampyr
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-kembri-vampyr
  • Profile photo of IXL Lieutenant Lissan tai-ch\'Zahar
  • Profile photo of 2nd-lieutenant-skele-tai
  • Profile photo of ixl-major-ka-ris-sutai-tasogare
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-grund-vestai
  • Profile photo of IXL Captain Thevynnian vestai-ch\'Chavar
  • Profile photo of IXL Lieutenant Thian tai-th\'Chavar
  • Profile photo of drcobane
  • Profile photo of grelbr
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-kulex-vestai
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-ktemok-vestai-lungqij
  • Profile photo of outsidertron
  • Profile photo of starrynite
  • Profile photo of corporal-xenviera-williams
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-margo-hattar
  • Profile photo of lance-corporal-qubogh-williams
  • Profile photo of black_tea
  • Profile photo of Commander Jorn sutai-VamPyr
  • Profile photo of ensign-knera-vampyr
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-kara-tai-vampyr
  • Profile photo of Marine Lieutenant Colonel DnuoP\' vestai-VamPyr
  • Profile photo of sleepyjs12yahoo-com
  • Profile photo of lieutenant-mari-vestai-mogh-ki
  • Profile photo of Commander moraq sutai-lungqIj
  • Profile photo of qurgh