AER: Second Meeting of The IKV Swifthawk

Greetings from the Center Seat.

This evening finds the second meeting of the IKV Swifthawk closed and a success. Although it was just K’Lay, A’Kiel and myself, we talked about where the Swifthawk has been and touched on where we would like to to go, as well as the Alberta sector of KAG. I would like to see a ship in Calgary and Medicine Hat launch very soon. The ships need a few key crew members and I have a few ideas in play.

The big event of the meeting was the awarding of the Beer fest raiding medals and giving out of KAG patches. I also read the accompanying letter from Admiral K’Tan. K’Lay and A’Kiel are very honoured and accepted the awards with happiness, the knowledge of a job well done, and being recognized for it.


Capt. K’Rau signing off.
