AER: Lucile B. Miller Observatory

The invasion of the Lucile B. Miller Observatory was a success, but due to heavy cloud cover (much like our beloved Kronos), most of the local amateur astronomers stayed at home. But the Klingon Assault Group did not! Lt. Kas’Duj vestai-Mjolnir, CO of the IKV Executioner, and IXL Colonel Keela zantai-Septaric, CO of the IKV Raging Wolf, arrived in full armor ready to do battle and recruit for KAG among the star-gazing huMans. There was a modicum of success with one Catawba Valley Astronomy Club member expressing interest in joining, but we will see. It takes the heart of a Warrior to join KAG, and this Warrior heart is determined by action!

Years ago, I had been honored to invade the Observatory and remembered climbing to the top of the stairs and going into the dome itself. At that time the large telescope was operational and was being used. Last I had heard, it was under repair, however, upon asking a senior representative of the Catawba Valley Astronomy Club if we could see it, he reported it had been repaired and graciously took us up to and into the inner sanctum. It was glorious to be in the presence of the regal old technology once again.

While demonstrating the main proponents to the telescope and the dome that housed it, the gentleman asked if we had heard the story of the telescope. Klingons take great pride in their storytelling and so we asked him to regale us with his. To make sure my poor memory banks do not corrupt the data, I refer you to the complete history (with interesting holo-images) about the building of the Observatory on the Maiden High School campus on the Catawba Valley Astronomy club website at:

But, long story short, O.N. Rich, an advisor for an astronomy club at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC offered to donate a large telescope to Maiden High School if they would build a facility. They did, he did, and the rest is history!

It was a glorious invasion and KAG promised to return in a month for their next public viewing. Qapla’!

IXL Colonel Keela zantai-Septaric
CO, IKV Raging Wolf

Holo-images are below. Thanks to Kas’Duj for allowing me to borrow his images, and apologies for my shaky hand.

