AER: IKS Tiburon 5/4/2018

A.E.R. Stardate 54201.8 (May 4,2018)

Lt Ler’aQ reporting

The crew of the IKS Tiburon donned their holo-emitters in order to invade the celebration of a Terran holiday and take in a game of physical prowess. The celebration is based on one of their popular cultural films, an epic tale of Space Wizards and the dishonor of a single family that somehow affected their entire universe. We were out-numbered by the native attendees who were dressed in costumes indicative of the iconic film. My crew and I thought it best since our presence was not detected due to our holo-disguises, to use this time to study this earth sport.

We found the warriors of the Denver Outlaws Lacrosse team a formidable opponent as they battled the equally matched New York Lizards. It was a close competition, as these warriors used their grand weapons of sticks with nets to hurl spheres through the air and into goals. A mighty cheer from our crew was given when blood was shed on the field. Our crew enjoyed the spectacle so much we have made plans to return for the whole season.
