Issue #73
Spring 2008


Dark Star Quadrant

GortokHail Warriors of the Dark Star Quadrant,
       I am Lt. Cmdr. Gortok vestai-QIHqem. I am the CO of the IKV Shadowrider. I have been in KAG for 11 years. It is truly an honor to take this Position. As you all know Lt. Cmdr. Ulfgar sutai-QIHqem had to step down as QC and I was appointed to take his place. So, I would like to invite everyone to contact me and let me know how you and or your ship is doing and if there is anything that I can do for you. If you have activities scheduled let me know what they are and when they are over contact me and let me know how it went. May Honor and glory guide you in all that you do!!

- Lt. Cmdr. Gortok vestaI-QIHqem
CO, Dark Star Quadrant
[email protected]
