Mindscanner Issue #72
Summer 2007

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Dark Phoenix Quadrant

HoSWelcome,  thanks, and a few of my views!  I am HoS DuQwi' Sutai-Devnoh (Chris Jones). Welcome to those other Warriors who like me are new to KAG's higher command leadership, and my thanks to those who welcomed me to my new appointment as Dark Phoenix Quadrant Commander.

Those who know me have heard my views on many KAG matters. Some things  I believe are important to KAG's glory and the enjoyment of the membership as a whole:

- Leadership - Ship Commanders should show good leadership to those above and below them in rank and position. Lack of leadership can very well lead to lack of motivation and participation by the other members. Pay attention  to your ship members and their current situations, your chain of command, event plans and changes, etc. Some ship commanders have said "I just want to have fun and that will lead the way". But being a leader isn't as fun as being a crewman.  Responsibilities go with any title or position. "What exactly would be my responsibilities in this position?" is something any member should keep in mind when considering the prospect of a command position.  Wanting a title or position that even suggests authority, while at the same time wanting nothing to do with responsibility, is an attitude that reflects very poorly on KAG and causes loss of confidence in other ship members. The leader's attitude toward his or her title is the measurement that I use to evaluate other leaders above and below my position, and it is the same standard that I expect of myself.

- Buddy checks - It's a good thing for members to try and watch out for each other. If a member is having difficulty with another member, or a current issue within the ship or the club, it's a good thing to ask for a 'buddy check' from another member before taking action or speaking on that issue. I encourage that at all levels, and recommend all leaders do the same. This might help to avoid unnecessary roughness between members, ships and leaders.  Most importantly, it might help to resolve an issue before it becomes a larger one.

- Be proactive - If a ship commander sees a potential problem, or a potentially destructive dispute, he should try to find out what the problem really is, and ask himself if there is something that he can do to head that off. I have personally seen issues fester between members until it became a real problem, even in public, and we never want that to happen.  There are some folks in this club who are  pretty good at mediating, so enlist their help if needed.

- Show motivation and enthusiasm, and encourage it from others -   Kinda self explanatory, both as a slogan and a real thing to do, at all levels of KAG. I also encourage those at all rank levels to show or suggest to the rest of us how to do this better, as the ideas arise. Sometimes a little motivation and initiative can go a long way for good things in KAG.

- Planning - Some members are good planners, so if someone wants to plan an event but has little experience at it, they should turn to the more experienced for pointers. There is no dishonor in asking for advice, and the better the event goes, the better it reflects on the ship, the commander, and KAG as a whole.

- Coordination - In cases where what you want is to maximize participation by multiple ships at an event, you must coordinate with other ships. This insures that there isn't duplication of effort, that nobody's toes get stepped on, and avoids unnecessary problems that could hurt the event. I absolutely expect this of the ships in DPQ.  I have seen unfortunate failures caused by lack of coordination between local ship commanders, and want to minimize that.

- Real Life - We all have real life stuff going on, for some more than others. It is important that every KAG leader encourage a timely report of status from warriors on whether or not they can participate or not, how they can help, or if they have real life personal issues preventing them from doing so, and about how long it will remain that way. This approach demonstrates interest by the leadership in the status of each crewmember, and keeps the crew in touch and engaged.

- Honest Self-Assessment - Be honest first with yourself, then those around you - if a KAG member volunteers to do a task for KAG or for their ship, it is really really important for the member who volunteered to be upfront with what they are truly able to do for the task.  This applies on all levels, from leaders and command staff to individual members. If a leader drops the ball on an important task, he cannot expect his crew to perform any better.

- Be knowledgeable - It's every commander's responsibility to keep himself informed and up-to-date on the rules, policies and standards of KAG. Encourage other members as well to at least have a look at the  KAG Handbook. I don't encourage 'rules lawyering', but KAG does have rules for good reason, to insure that there is a standard of conduct, so all members get as fair a shake as possible! They are not perfect rules, but they are pretty good!

- Fun -
  What is it? Everyone has a different definition. Fun for me  is the pride that comes from putting on good public events, and showing well for our ships and KAG as a whole.   Hanging out dressed in body armor and getting drunk on blood wine can be fun, but if there were no more to us than that, we would look pretty grabass and lame. Fun to me is knowing that all the crew look pretty good in their costumes, that  we successfully plan and carry out events, get good recognition for it,  and tell tall tales about it afterward, and not feeling so overworked that we aren't able to tell the tales! This goes to Klingon theme, especially the part about --success--. I encourage all to take the more success fun view.

In the end, we can only expect our crews and fellow Klingons to do as well as the leaders do. I think that this should always be kept in mind for anyone wanting to be a leader in KAG.

All are welcome to write to me with any questions.


HoS DuQwi' sutai-Devnoh (Chris Jones)
Commander, KAG Dark Phoenix Quadrant, 2007
[email protected] 
