MindScanner #56
From K'Tully
by Kevin Mounce <[email protected]>

Greetings warriors:

On behalf of the Epetai Kragtowl Trekkan, I would like to announce the year 2000 Trekkan family reunion will be at the St Louis, Mo Gateway Convention in July 18, 19, 20. If you would like to attend please respond by email to [email protected] or by snail mail.

Kevin Mounce
4624 N. 35th
Fort Smith, AR 72904

Cmdr. K'tully sutai Trekkan

Greetings Klingon Warriors,

The IKV Trekkan's Fury is now under construction in Fort Smith AR. If you of anyone who wants to join please have them contact me at [email protected]. It is a rebirth of another great ship (IKV Cold Heart). This ship will be a navy ship and have all of the best of that and also a touch of the Demon Fleet sense of fun. We will be building fast and hitting all our foes hard. KAI to KAG.

Cmdr K'tully sutai Trekkan