Mindscanner #54
by Lt. Col. Qor'Toq vestai-DevnoH (Bill Ramsey)
[email protected]

Greetings to all Warriors. I've had some questions as to what it takes to be a Member of the IMSF, a Marine and the Honor Guard.

What does it take to be a member of the Imperial Marine Security Forces?

1. The determination to do the mission and do it well. The mission being whatever task you have been assigned whether it is from Higher HQ, or your Force Leader.

2. At minimum your ship's T-shirt. I realize that some of you will still be either new, or in the process of getting a uniform. I wouldn't exclude a one of you just because of that. However some duties do require a uniform, such as PSD (Personal Security Details) and Honor Guard details. As far as uniform goes, standard Marine Uniform.

3. Have read the IMSF Guidelines, understand them, be as familiar with them as possible, and have asked any question that you can think of. The guidelines are just that, guidelines. They are strict, but they don't cover every possible situation that could arise, to do that would take years just to do the first 100 volumes. They are however set out so that with common sense you can do your job effectively and without incident.

4. Wear the IMSF Badge with honor and distinction (yes one is coming out; they will be numbered and logged).

What does it take to be a member of the Marines within IMSF?

1. The want and desire to be a Marine. It's that simple, I realize some of you want to be Marines but would rather have fun at conventions/events. I have no problem with that. It does mean that until you decide to read and familiarize yourself with the IMSF guidelines, the best you could get would be runner as a security duty. Also Marines will wear the standard Marine Uniform, with the IMSF badge.

What does it take to be part of the IMSF Honor Guard?

This one is a little harder to get into.

1. Be in good standing within the IMSF for a minimum of 9 months, This may be waived in some cases. (But very few, I won't penalize a Marine, who has busted their chops in doing exceptional work, gone above and beyond in the performance of their duties).

2. Have preformed at least 3 PSD details this can include your ships CO, a special guest at a convention One of the high command for your area.

Also be very familiar with the IMSF Guidelines.

3. A request must be put through your ships CO, to the Quadrant Fencer and/or Quadrant Commander for their approval, then to Fleet Commander and Field-Marshall, for final approval. Lengthy process but the benefits are worth it.

4. Must be uniformed, Standard Marine uniform, or if you want to go the full route. Honor Guard Uniform. The difference being Honor Guard has a Deep Red and black uniform, Red being the top color. Along with the Honor Guard Badge. (Again one is coming out and they will be numbered and logged also).

Honor Guard has preference at Conventions for Escort details of stars. And can be assigned to specific individuals upon request, and acceptance of the duty by the Marine

Lt. Col. Qor'Toq vestai-DevnoH
CO IKAV Dragon's Heart
Field-Marshall Dark Moon Fleet
Hochlogh no' yIquvmoH (All times Honor your Ancestors)
Imperial Klingon Marines, DMF, DPQ
Dark Phoenix Quadrant Imperial Intelligence Officer
qul qab tuQ (Wear a Face of Fire)
ICQ Number 11898488 or 5438167
[email protected]