Mindscanner #54
presented by Admiral Bear

HomeWorld Goals:

1. Create a unifying atmosphere in Klingon Fandom. Open to any member of any Klingon group.
2. Create an area that expands the concepts of Qo'noS and the Home system and the Klingon Culture.
3. Create a Klingon concept that is less emphasis on military concepts.
4. Provide concepts that provide "defined" areas of accomplishment for uniformed and un-uniformed members.

HomeWorld Basics:

1. Every environment should be based on Klingon aspects.
2. Achievement is based on participation, communication and cooperation
3. No dues. Subscriptions to newsletters are allowed.
4. Conduct any type of illegal activity. "NOT"!!!!

HomeWorld Leadership:

The "Grand Council" governs the HomeWorld. In the beginning, the "Grand Council" is made up of the individuals putting together the project. As time goes along, some of these individuals will step down and a successor will be determined. The "Grand Council" duties are as follows:

Review applications for Guilds, Orders and Government units:

1 Ensuring no duplication of sections that have already been developed. (For example, two guilds doing the same thing.)
2 That an adequate description of the purpose of the section is provided.
3 Make recommendations to help the section get established.
4 Evaluate HomeWorld section for 6 months.
5 Approve and list section in HomeWorld resources.

Arbitrate issues at the request of any section of HomeWorld.

The "Grand Council" is a sounding board of experience to help all areas of HomeWorld get established. It may NOT do any of the following:

Interfere or dictate on how any section of HomeWorld operates provided it does not break a basic concept.

HomeWorld Sections:

HomeWorld has three (3) sections: Guilds, Orders and Government. Each section, once established, governs it's self without the input of the "Grand Council" unless requested. They are responsible for any aspect of their area which can include keeping track of membership, levels of achievement, and grounds for member dismissal to name a few. The possibilities and limitations are left to the section in question.

The only record required by the "Grand Council" is the Application of Membership. Once submitted, they are under evaluation for 6 months and required maintaining membership of at least 3 individuals. After their evaluation period is complete, they are approved and listed in the HomeWorld resources. If a section does not pass the evaluation period, its application will be revoked and maybe submitted again one month later.

Any section is not required to have levels of accomplishment but if they do, it is recommended to have a beginning level and at least 3 but no more than 5 others to achieve. What is required for these levels is left to each section's discretion.

Guilds - are your artisan groups, like tailors and seamstresses, armorers and weaponsmiths and so forth. The following are the level names of achievement that can be used:


What is required to accomplish these levels are established by the individual guild.

Orders - are the religious groups, sisterhoods and brotherhoods. The levels of accomplishment will vary depending on how the order is setup.

Government - is the area that will have units, like the HomeGuard, Imperial Ministry of Travel and others. The level of accomplishment will vary per government unit.

HomeWorld Section Logos:

Each of the following shields denotes a specific section of HomeWorld. This provides a design for each section to build their "symbol".




In the event a group joining has their own logo, all that is required is that they put it within the appropriate border for easy recognition of the type of section of HomeWorld to which they belong.

Application of Membership:

An application can be obtained from any member of the "Grand Council" by sending a SASE (self-addressed Stamped Envelope) and stating the section for which they are applying. NOTE: An "on-line" application and downloadable form will be made available for each section at a later date. The following is the list of information and purpose found on the application:

Name of Guild, Order or Government unit: - provides the name by which it will be referred in HomeWorld.

Symbol: - design representing the specific unit. Not required upon application but must have completed by end of probationary period.

Goal: - main theme for what the section was created.

Description: - defines section's activities, purpose and service to the Empire.

History: (Optional) - provides the background upon which members build their personas.

Levels: (If Applicable) - titles and requirement to achieve advancement within the section.

Founder(s): - list the individual(s) who developed the idea.

How to Join: - list individuals, addresses, and e-mails that can be contacted to join.

Dismissal: (If Applicable) - grounds or conditions by which a member maybe removed from section. Must be a justifiable reason.


Adm. Kragtowl zantai-Trekkan
William "Bear" Reed / [email protected]
2720 NE 42nd Street
Kansas City, MO 64117-1604

Cmdr. Najchom sutai-Trekkan
Stacie Cupples / [email protected]
2335 Whittemore Place
St. Louis, MO 63104-2531

Cmdr. K'tully sutai-Trekkan
Kevin Mounce / [email protected]
2646 NE 42nd Street
Kansas City, MO 64117-1604

Marine Lt. Colonel Manglak sutai-Trekkan
Mike Calhoun / [email protected]
304 Woodland
Smithville, MO 64089

This is where the council stand right now but this will change. If SASE is sent to me, I will definitely make sure it is responded to and copies are forward to the rest of the council. Anyone else wanting to participate in the council, please send me a private e-mail or correspondence. While it would be nice to have a lot of voices, to make it quicker to complete the tasks that the council performs, it will be limited to 8 to 10 individuals. Otherwise it sorta bogs the system down. 

The "Grand Council" is an advisory group. We lend our experience and assist to allow each section of HomeWorld get started and ensure that complete information is available for potential future members of that section. We are "NOT" a ruling body, because once a section becomes active, it controls it's self with the effort of it's members. HomeWorld is a concept, not a separate

club or group!

Kragtowl (Bear)
Epetai of House Trekkan

All the information that is submitted to the "Grand Council" is also posted to provide potential members an opportunity to review for consideration of joining. Updates can be made to the information by submitting a new form. Updates could include changing symbol, description, history, and levels, how to join and dismissal.