Issue #73
Spring 2008

Crimson Knight Fleet

Krikor Greetings, Warriors!

By now you have all heard about the big KAG 20th anniversary bash being held at Marcon next year.  I am looking forward to being part of the biggest gathering of Klingons in recent memory (possibly ever), and I hope you all are too.

It is always important for us to look our best, and with this momentous occasion fast approaching, it is even more important.  Kris, our Founder, has described KAG as 'fandom worn on the shoulders'.  KAG is, at its heart, a costuming club.  We do not merely sit in our basements, inventing honors and glories for ourselves through our computers.  Our glories are won on the front lines, out in public.  We show the world what it means to be Klingon!

But I have noticed a certain lassitude when it comes to costuming lately.  Fully armored Imperial Klingons are becoming fewer and farther between.  The surge of members who joined KAG in their youth no longer fit into their old uniforms, and new members are not taking up the challenge of appearing in armor and head.  Too many are figuring that a black shirt and a sash are 'good enough'.  We need to turn this around, and the upcoming anniversary is a perfect opportunity to do so!

If you are planning on attending Marcon '09, you have a year to work on your look.  Everyone, no matter what their budget or skill level, can take steps to improve the look of their uniform.  If you have costuming skills, it's time to put them to the test.  If you have friends with costuming skills, it's time to call in some favors.  If you have available cash, it's time to go shopping.

I should mention that I include myself in all of this. The uniform that I am currently wearing is ten years old, and seems to have shrunk tremendously during that time (yeah, that's it).  But in between my regular sewing job, I am spending my spare time sewing new Klingon uniforms for myself, my mate, and my fleetmates.  Headpiece molding is also proceeding. Over the next few months, more and more of the members of this fleet will be fully ridged and armored, leading up to the celebrations next year.

At Marcon, when I look out over the assembled masses, I want to see row upon row of ridgeheads, with armor to match.  I want to see members who have spent some effort to look the part they play.  I want to see real KLINGONS!

- Admiral Krikor zantai-jechwI'
Krikor Ajemian <[email protected]>
Crimson Knight Fleet Commander, KAG
