Mindscanner Issue #72
Summer 2007


KrisI'd originally planned on writing a "QUIT BEING SO DAMNED NICE!" kind of Last Page....   but then, a softer, nicer, gentler side of me broke through.

If you aren't reaching for the door handle...or feeling scared..... well, cool.

Thanksgiving weekend, 1990.  Where were YOU, Klingon?  Were you even born yet?  KAG was. 1990 was when we learned to HOWL.

Our organization came into being out of the shambles which was the Klingon Strike Force, a Seattle-based Klingon club I'd started back in 1979.

It was a proto-KAG, where you could pretty much do what you want, as long as you didn't break any laws, and were Klingon. The KSF grew to about 200 members.  A few years pass, and I got married, had kids, moved to Michigan.  Turned the KSF leadership over to friends. That's when they promoted me to "Thought-Admiral".  Bastards. Ruined a fine retirement.  I got asked to come back in and lead in 1988, but it was a bit too late.

I was mystified when the KSF went to role-play, being Klingon spies on planet Earth.  It was time to gather up the few dress-up-and-play
Klingons that remained, and move on.  Mid-1989, KAG gathers speed.

Flash ahead to 1990: A batch of KAGsters living in and around Indianapolis Indiana invites me down to their local convention--StarBase
Indy--so I say sure.  When told it was the regional meeting of Starfleet Command, wheels in heads spun...like hamsters in the mind.   Do something shocking, uniquely Klingon, and challenging.

So at StarBase Indy in 1990, during the Masquerade, we got onstage, gave out an exceptionally bone-tingling DEATH HOWL, and issued a BLOOD DUEL. Just a handful of us--ten-- throwing down the gauntlet to a ballroom of Feddie pukes.  Stunned silence, until it was time for us to exit.  Rousing ovation.. ("You guys were COOL!"  "How can we join, dude?  What are the dues?"  "WHAT? NO dues?")

Now, it's almost twenty years later, and still, no dues, dude. I think it's time that KAG went back to Indianapolis, stomping the  halls, filling the site with uniforms and banners.  Bloodwine and chocolate.

KAG's 20th Anniversary, celebrated in Indianapolis in 2009. Perfect. That's in 2009, folks-- From now 'til then, we'll give you KAGsters action-updates.  Maybe I'll find the couch and camp all night.  Maybe Kragtowl will split his pants.  And maybe, hopefully, we'll see you there.

KAG Founder

John Halvorson
5624 Fair Ave 116
North Hollywood CA  91601
[email protected]
