Mindscanner #57

From Twisted Minds

by Joel 'Twisty' Nye <[email protected]>

Soon we'll be in the new year, enjoying new possibilities and new

beginnings. I work for The Salvation Army repairing computer systems each and every day. (Yes, another pseudo-military, profitless organization.) There's great job satisfaction that comes with fixing every crisis and need in forty cities... but it's the same kind of satisfaction I get with every task I contribute to KAG. There's no other conquest like improving the world around us, and our tasks stand on their own merit.


Last Issue, I signaled my intentions: As of December 4th, 1999, with the consent of our Thought Admiral and my responsibility Head of KAG's CyberSpace Patrol Division, I restored one of our former KAG Divisions. ELINT Fleet is no longer a CSP Department... it is once again a KAG Division in its own right.

Need help understanding Divisions and Departments? Many do. At my work, The Divisional Headquarters is responsible for most of this state and part of the next... but within the DHQ there are several Departmental offices to further separate the duties. In KAG, Divisions provide members more activities, according to specializations that may interest them. Some of those specialties have even more diverse avenues of fun to explore, covered by more specializing departments.

CSP remains a collection of support services (E-Corps, II, KISS, &

KEWL), while ELINT Fleet now stands apart as the participatory realm for online fun. It grows with each shared interest of its members... so please show Cmdr. Kordite your support by contacting him with a show of your Klingon enthusiasm. He can be reached at [email protected].


There are five codes of driving that define much of my life's style:

5. Accommodate other drivers: you're just one among many.

4. Don't accelerate into a situation you cannot brake from.

3. Signal Your Intentions.

2. There are two kinds of People in this world... those who divide

people into two categories and those who don't.

Oh, wait, back to Driving:

2. Two kinds of people in the world; Those whose brakes overpower their accelerators, and those whose accelerators overpower their brakes. You can guess which kind actually go places. I've never known Klingons to freeze under their inhibitions.

And the number one twisted driving tip:

1. Less is more. The less control you exert, the more you retain.

Whether you're cruising over hot water or freezing ice, the less you

steer, the less you push the accelerator, the less you slam on the

brakes, the more you have a chance of influencing things for the best.


KAG is doing remarkably well in the SETI Project. We used to be way behind Starfleet (an eighth of their progress), and yet with a band of twenty-some members, we're approaching a third of theirs in just four months time. Our numbers and forces are growing, from EVERY realm of our club. (Top results include KAG's Battlegroup North, Our Navy's Ring of Fire Fleet, and KAG's Demon Fleet.) These participants are showing themselves to be a fine credit to KAG's efforts.

If you're running SETI already, it may please you to know that a new version 2.0 should be available early in the new year. This new software fixes a few things such as troublesome proxy servers and sticky Gaussian gauges. (I hate it when that happens.) If you're not in yet but interested in joining, just see http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ , or check out the link from the main page of the KAG Domain. The team is simply called KLINGON ASSAULT GROUP.


Sometime next year, I may get the KAG Domain put on my own web server. If -er- WHEN that happens, it will open all new possibilities with Divisions and Fleets having their own directories, passwords, mailing lists, apps, questionnaires, and other web wonders. Meanwhile, the standing orders of CSP remain "Shoot First. Ask Questions Later, but not too late!" May the new year bring you all the glory and plunder!

- KwISt

participant in all things KAG

[email protected] Art by KwISt