MindScanner #56
The Dragon Star!
By Joanna Mortimer <[email protected]>
Commander Bleth sutai-Pallara

Background: In June 1998, the Sundragon Quadrant of KAG Australia gained Fleet status! A dedicated bunch of true warriors worked with great zest to further their part of the Empire! At this time, a new trend began to emerge in the Sundragon Fleet.Individual ships began to take on projects for the first time, and groups of warriors with special skills grouped together across ship, to put their talents to good use for the Empire!

So began the creation of "departments" within KAG Australia. The first official department was Fleet Staff! B'Elos and Qorgh began a re-vamp on the Fleet Guidelines, designing flyers and a host of other "Propaganda like activities. Added to this, Veqtah and the KAG AUST magazine, THE WARRIORS WAY, and our First department was Born!

Things came on thick and fast after that! It wasn't long before Koord took on the Cultural/Religious "department". and from that began the offshoot of The Sundragon Warriors Academy. B'Etor began the Sundragon Institute of Engineers, Klagg started serious weapon building and designing (safety bat'leth for the Warriors Academy and more) and the Quarter Master's department was started! Added to these, ships were flourishing and showing such an abundance of activities that the Sundragon Fleet took off like a Bird of Prey!

Inception: It was during this development period, that Fleet Commander Krud (Arggh) sought to find a way to reward and encourage the ongoing activities within the Fleet. And so the Dragon Star Award was Born!

Quarter Master Klagg was commissioned to design a "Sword of Khahless" wall mountable plaque. Painted in gold and 2/3rd actual size, the Dragon Star Award is handed out ever 6 months to the Ship or Department whose achievements stood out! Every Half year now, KAG Australia's Sundragon Fleet has a promotion/Awards night! We try and coincide it with our Camping trip "Praxis". On these occasions, all promotions for the six months, any awards and the Dragon Star are presented as the high point in an evening or weekend of feasting and battle! Boy, it has been hard to choose...so many members of the Fleet were doing so much! So far the Dragon Star has gone to three High Achievers

1.. The IKV DRAGONS BLADE for their work and activities as a KAG ship!
2.. The Fleet Staff department for the Guidebook/site and the Warriors Way
3.. The Warriors Academy, for developing and implementing a weapons handling program

The next Dragon Star award will be handed out in November 1999! And only Krud knows who it'll be! {{;-)

Chief Marshal Le'Del and Instructor AjniN, Accepting the Dragon Star Award for the Warriors Academy