Mindscanner Issue #82
Spring 2012

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Thought Admiral
From The Thought Admiral

Krikor Kris has said that for years, KAG has done the "playfully serious" thing, and now it's time for us to be "SERIOUSLY PLAYFUL." With that in mind, the Crimson Knight Fleet has decided to get more serious about its party throwing.  Here are the Five Rules of KAG, as they apply to parties:

1) HAVE FUN! Hosting a party can be a lot of work, but remember that if you are having fun, everyone else will too.

2) NO LIVE STEEL! It is a time for celebrating, not battle. Leave the blades stowed, except what you need to carve the roast beast or cut the cake (at the last KAG Feast we used a mini bat'leth for this purpose).

3) DO NOT EMBARRASS KAG! Know your limits. Drink enough so that you and those around you enjoy themselves, but not so much as to interfere with the good time of others. It's okay to be silly and it's okay to be loud, but remember that a party that is shut down early by the authorities is less successful than one that goes on all night.

4) NO TREATIES, NO ALLIANCES! If you're going to host a KAG party, make it about KAG. Of course you'll want to invite other clubs; parties are an excellent opportunity to introduce other clubs and fandom in general to the glories of being a Klingon.

5) THE THOUGHT ADMIRAL MAKES THE RULES! In this case, the party host (or hostess) makes the rules. As host, you are responsible for setting the tone of the party, and for keeping things on track. Don't be afraid to lay down the law if something (or someone) is interfering with the atmosphere you are trying to set.

Here in the CKF, we have had some success with our annual KAG Feast. It started as a small dinner party for our members, and slowly grew over the years, notably when we started inviting other clubs. This past year we had over sixty people, two thirds of which were non-KAG guests (and therefore potential recruits). We've actually had several new recruits in the last year that we can specifically attribute to the feast.

As a result of this amazing growth, we have decided to take the plunge and expand the KAG Feast into a full day KAG Fest. Next January, KAG Fest will feature an afternoon of programming (demos, workshops, and such), followed by dinner and entertainment in the evening. If it continues to gain popularity, we might eventually expand to a two or even three day mini convention. It says something that what started as a party is now the biggest KAG event of the year in these parts.

One other thing I'd like to say that is not directly party-related (although, like many other things, it makes a good excuse for a party). I would like to recognize the efforts of our esteemed editor, Keela. In addition to taking on editing duties for this newsletter (filling the very big shoes Kerla left), Keela has also been the head of the Xeno Legion for the last several months, and has in that time revitalized that branch to a remarkable degree. For this reason, I think it is high time that she get an honorific upgrade. Keela, you are now a zantai. Qapla', and wiggedy, wiggedy!

Thought Admiral-KrikorKAG
for KAG
78 Rhodes Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario, M4L 2Z9, Canada
(647) 439-6579
[email protected]
