Mindscanner Issue #78
Summer 2010

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by Ri'Par

I've personally heard it said with my own ears that it's difficult to get promoted in KAG. I don't think that's the case. I think promotions ARE well earned though. Many other clubs promote very easily and with different methods. Some promote by length of service, who you know,or even by taking a test on your Trek knowledge as one Federation club does. 

If KAG promoted by Trek knowledge then most of us would be Admirals! Instead KAG promotes for participation and achievement. The specifics of what is required for a certain rank can be found in the KAG handbook at http://www.kag.org/handbook/. Here's the trick though. For promotions to happen,KAG has to know about you. Promoting yourself,your ship,and KAG will turn into promotions in rank.

If you're an extremely active warrior but never post AER's, speak up on the club lists, communicate with your ship commander, quadrant commander, or fleet commander, or just brag about yourself in general then you may get overlooked. We are Klingon! We pound our chests proudly and say "Look at what we did!" Klingons brag! Staying in the face of KAG keeps you in the minds of KAG and therefore your achievements won't be missed or forgotten.

Promoting yourself well also helps the club by bringing in new members. It can get your boot in the door for other opportunities such as TV and newspaper interviews or invitations to other events. Pretty soon you may find yourself sought after by your local con, bookstore, blood bank, or any number of charities because you spread word of yourself and KAG well. Promotions also reflect scope of service so the larger you and your ship's service extends the higher in rank you will become. However, some warriors don't care about rank. They simply wish to be known by their name, no fancy honorifics or house names. That's fine too but promoting yourself and the club will still bring expansion and new blood that keeps KAG fresh and alive.

Commander Ri'Par sutai-bortaS
<[email protected]>
IKV Bayou Serpent commander
Cold Terror Fleet XO
Ship's brewer
