#78 Summer 2010 |
The IKV Bayou Serpent had been
busy as usual. We recently attended Coastcon 33 in Biloxi, MS and
hosted our 7th paintball ball, Venom Wars. In the works we have Con Du Lac in Lake Charles, LA June 11-13,2010 where the ship will do a panel on headpiece construction and Trekexpo in Tulsa,OK 2 weeks later. June will really be adding some light years to the shuttle engines. October we will be traveling to Plano, TX for the Star Trek Fan Days con and hopefully in September we will be at the IKV Melota bat'leth tournament. That's just what we have PLANNED! We always add other events as they arise. We'd like to do something with the LA 501st this year and possibly hold another headpiece construction party. Commander Ri'Par sutai-bortaS IKV Bayou Serpent commander and ship's brewer Cold Terror Fleet XO |