Issue #77
Autumn 2009

Cold Terror Fleet

Admiral Qob!The Cold Terror Fleet is poised. Poised on the edge of a great revival.  This past year has seen changes in the leadership and growth at the ship level

We found bold new leadership in the Cold Blood and the Cold Steel Quadrants.  RoMatha sutai-Who is the new Quad commander in the Cold Blood and he is working hard with the existing leadership to get a revival of Klindom down in the 'Show Me' state. I expect reports of great things from Archon  the fall convention in St. Louis.

We honored the great service that Kol sutai-Bareth has done in the Cold Steel and - in the grand tradition of giving those that have a lot on their plate something more to do - found a new Quadrant Commander in Captain qurgh. As qurgh will tell you, volunteer in Klingon is "Sap." qurgh is a great organizer and a brilliant fella, just his accent makes him sound smarter, and will do a fine job reviving the Quadrant. Marcon also saw the birth of new ships and new interest in the Quad, we have every confidence that he will encourage and connect with all the warriors who need to be active in KAG.

The Cold Revenge just keeps perking along, the Bayou Serpent, the Melota, and all the rest set a standard of activity and Klingon fun that we all could learn from. "Don't go changing to try to please me..." This year saw Commander RiPar being named the Fleet XO, a position he will do a great job in, co-ordinating the southern flanks of the Fleet.

The Cold Death, spurred by their heavy participation in Marcon, has got its second wind (as if the worthies needed it) and is growing again! New warriors are discovering the fun of Klindom and revealing their ridges! They hope to see a lot more Klingons at their conventions next year, with Be'tor being the guest of honor at Marscon and seeing many of the new friends we met at Marcon come to CONvergence <>  to party with the RakeHell, the WarHammer, the RavenShadow, RavensClaw and other worthies (there is rumors that a Thought Admiral or two will be there).

While I never feel the fleet is in 'bad' shape, I have to tell you I am as satisfied by the past year and optimistic about the coming year as I have been in a long time. I could talk a lot more about new and continuing developments, but we will tease you with the idea that the best is yet to come!

