Mindscanner Issue #72
Summer 2007

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Crimson Knight Fleet

Admiral Krikor As I write this, I am still recovering from Polaris 21, the Convention Formerly Known as Toronto Trek.  It was an amazing weekend, in large part due to the presence of Thought Admiral Kerla and her mate, KwISt.  Many thanks to Kerla for promoting me to Admiral at the Grand Assembly at the con, an honor I'm still not sure I deserve.  But the biggest thing to happen at the Assembly (unfortunately in the absence of most of those involved) was the almost total revamping of the eastern half of the fleet, formerly known as the BIrmIvHIQ Quadrant.

Some history: about a year and a half ago, an application came in from New Brunswick, an area where the CKF had NEVER had any presence before.  It turned out to be Candock, a female Ferengi who had left another Klingon club in disillusionment, and eventually found her way to KAG.  Once welcomed into the fleet, she launched a ship (the ILV Bloodstone), pulled in a bunch of new recruits, and took on the positions of IXL Quadrant Commandant and Fleet newsletter editor.  I could tell that this would be one to watch.

Meanwhile in Montreal, things were looking up after a long period of inactivity.  There was a new ship, and a new captain, eager to provide the leadership the old crew was looking for.  Keltoc had had leadership experience in other fan clubs, but this was her first experience with Klingons.  She took on the position of Quadrant Marine Fencer, and established her ship (the IKV Crimson Glory) as a presence in the fleet.

Faced with such activity in a formerly stagnant part of the fleet, I realized that changes were necessary. The quadrant had had an absentee commander for some time; it was about time to appoint a new Quadrant Commander.  It was also time to have a look at the name of the Quadrant itself.  Back when the CKF was launched, the members of the eastern quadrant decided to have some fun and chose the name BIrmIvHIQ (loosely translated Klingon for "Toque and Beer") for themselves.  But the joke had worn thin.  If this newly revitalized quadrant was to be taken seriously, it was time for a new name.

Taking some lessons from the way Thought Admiral Kuuriis did things back when the CKF was first launched, I decided to kill two birds with one stone. I gave Candock and Keltoc the assignment of working together to come up with a new name for the quadrant, a name that their respective crews would have a say in.

At the Grand Assembly at Polaris 21, both the new quadrant name and the new Quadrant Commander were announced.  Qapla' to Legionnaire Captain Candock vestai-jechwI', Commander of the Scarlet Blade Quadrant!

Admiral Krikor zantai-jechwI'
(Krikor Ajemian)
Crimson Knight Fleet Commander, KAG
[email protected]
