Mindscanner Issue #68
Autumn 2004

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EARTH is an exciting planet.  Mount St. Helens is firing up again;  the southern U.S. coasts are battling more hurricanes and tropical storms. Who's winning?  Not likely the terraqnganpu'!  Makes you wonder if the earthers will survive another 50 years of life without our Empire intervening.

We're gonna take this rock anyhow, shouldn't we do it before they ruin the place?  That's why KAG's new focus for 2005 will be OPERATION: TAKE EARTH!

Stake your claim!  Let the earthers know we're here to rule.  Announce it on your convention door signs - "We claim this space in the name of the Klingon Empire.  Sincerely, the Klingon Assault Group.  Complaints may be filed with the feddie captives inside."

KerlaPlace an ad to that effect in the convention program.  Slap a few signs on the backs of unsuspecting feddie officers!  Take inventory of the places you claim in your newsletters.  Take a prized piece of their real estate.....in fact, take several!

We have met the regime change, and they are us!  Let the earthers know we're here to liberate them of their planet.  Glory is ours!

- Kerla epetai-MaHcha'

Carol Nye
628 Buckeye St.
Hamilton, OH

Thought Admiral,
Klingon Assault Group
<[email protected]>
