From Stormrider Fleet

by Qaolin

Greetings from the Stormrider Fleet...the Westernost expansion of this craziness we call KAG. The fleet is coalescing, albeit slowly. ( I wonder if the fact that many of our warriors also are members of the SCA might have something to do with it?) But we have not been idle warriors.

In the Pacific Northwest, members of the IKV Raptor joined their brothers and sisters of the IKV T'mar at Evergreen College in Olympia, WA for a redeux of our 2001 invasion at their celebration. Between the bathletlh demonstrations, drumming, and Hamlet performances the terrans were treated to a feast laid out by the eminent vutwI' K'tesh ( ) . Most of the vistors bypassed the lingta, karada, rokeg blood pie, skull stew and gagh but were happy to shell out credits for the imported yuch K'tesh had brought.

A big kai kassai to warrior Krel who is currently fighting the fires in Colorado . He lives to fight another day but we join him in a howl for the brave who passed to Stovokor in that battle. We await your victorious return.

Meanwhile, on another front, I seem to have become the focus of a lot of notice in my homebase. Klingon Karaoke has become a Thursday night staple at a local Portland nightspot. What started out as a lark has taken on a life of it's own, with visitors coming from all over to hear Klingon renditions of George Thurogood, Mark Lindsey and Frank Sinatra. You can catch some of it at with more coming in the future. Yes, I am working on producing a CD. Studio time in this quadrant is at a premium right now. We have also attracted the attention of the "other" empire (you know....the one that dresses in pvc armor). The KAGsters and the fighting 501st will be joining for some mayhem which will benefit the community. Stay tuned to these pages as things develop.

Any news from others out here in the Stormrider Fleet...send it on to me at [email protected] and I will include it in future briefings.

taHjaj wo'

Qaolin, Epetai House Kiln
Chief Lunatic of Stumptown,

ChonBey Lackey 3.14 (coconut cream)
reH Saghbe' yIthlap'egh