Mindscanner #62
Recently, I have had several people e-mail me, and asked what E-corps is
all about, and how the Chain of Command for E-corps works. After chewing
on it a bit, I came up with the following short answer:
“E-corps does not create an additional chain of command; it only creates
another chain of communication. The e-corps officer for a given unit (i.e.
Ship, quadrant, fleet, etc..) answers directly to the commander of that
unit. For example, the Ship's E-corps officer for the IKV Kahless Ro' answers
directly to the Commanding officer for the IKV Kahless Ro'. That way the
unit commander can assure that the Web site for his/her ship represents
the ship in an appropriate manner, and that the information on it us up
to date.
Communication is needed between the various levels of e-corps officers
(i.e. ship, quadrant and fleet) to ensure that the web sites for each level
have up to date links for the levels above and below it. For example, a
Fleet web site should at the least have links the
web site, and the web sites for the Quadrants that are a part of the fleet.
Quadrants should have links to the web sites for the Ships in the Quadrant,
and to the Fleet web site. Ships should have links to the Quadrant Web site
(if it exists) as a minimum.”
This overview covers the simplest part of it, but seems to leave so much
out. My dream for E-corps is to see every ship, Quadrant, Fleet, Battle
Group, Division, etc. represented on the world wide web, as well as having
all of the informational resources of KAG available on the internet for
people to access.
Can this ever happen? Certainly it can. Will it happen over night? Not
a chance. It will take time, and a lot of work from (hopefully) a lot of
people. The mission originally set out for E-corps were three fold:
- The Complete KAG Web - An ongoing project aimed at helping ships, quadrants,
fleets, divisions, etc. set up and maintain their own web pages
- KAG Fleet Guidelines - translation into on-line web page format, and
maintenance of the resulting pages (This has been done several times. The
current version can be seen at www.kag.org
- Quartermaster's handbook - translation of the Quartermaster's handbook
into online web page format, that can be accessed via the World Wide web,
or perhaps distributed on CD-ROM. (This is on hold until the KAG Quartermaster
can finish sorting out the quartermaster Files) Since the Fleet guidelines
are already online, and the Quartermaster resources are not yet organized
for people to access, it only seems fitting that we should concentrate on
the remaining goal. I would like to every Ship, Quadrant, Fleet and Division
get a web site online
Such Websites should contain information about what each unit does, and
how it relates to the others. For example, a Fleet website should list general
in formation about the fleet. It should have up to date information about
who is in charge, and how to get hold of them. Information about what quadrants
are part of the fleet, and how to contact them is very important.
For ships, the website should contact information for the ship. It should
also tell the reader about the ship. What sort of things do you do? What
is going to make this fun for me? Pictures and descriptions of past events
are a great way to do this.
For people just getting started, there are many resources available. The
E-corps website at http://www.kagusa.net
has a list of volunteers who are willing to help ships get a basic website
up and running. There are also Klingon graphics, and other resources for
the aspiring Klingon Webmaster.
If you have any questions about KAG’s E-corps, feel free to contact me
at [email protected]
Comdr. seq'dogh sutai to'meD - Qelt
CO: IKV Kahless Ro', Las Vegas, Nevada
Co-ordinator Klingon Assault Group Ecorps