In the past year we have seen the birth of a new era for KAG. We're growing, our pursuits are expanding and diversifying.  Cooperation  and collaboration between KAG's various fleets is on the rise.
  MindScanner has been successfully resurrected and showcases all KAG's fleets and divisions, each proudly putting forth the glory of their part of KAG, all of us working together to make the Mindscanner one of klingon fandom's premier newsletters.
 On the convention and event front there is so much cross-fleet activity and discussion that it can be said that many  of our cons have become KAG-wide productions.

 KAG's High Council, which is comprised of all KAG's Admirals, all our Division Heads, all our Fleet and Quadrant Commanders, is going strong, convening to work on the issues of the day, consider promotion requests, continue our ongoing task of updating the guidelines, and to continue to aid and advise KAG.

 KAG's new spirit of unity and collaboration has been uniquely realized in the appointment of Captain Kolex sutai-QIHqem (Darren Carter), the CO of a Cold Terror Fleet ship, to be Admiral Kruge's proxy in leading the Dark Moon Fleet during the Admiral's recovery.  Kai Kolex! Kai Kruge!

  All over the club there is a coming together, a strengthening of KAG and its proud Warriors. And all of this success rests on the shoulders of the members of KAG, who have worked hard and played  hard to bring us to this new era.

 in service to KAG
