MindScanner #56
E-Corps In Action
by Daniel Davidson <[email protected]>

It has been brought to my attention that some people wanted to know what happens behind the scenes to make the various KAG mailing lists possible. Before I go into that, I want to remind people what lists are currently available, what they are for, and how to subscribe to them. Below is a list of the current Mailing lists hosted on listserv.kahless-ro.org:

List Name
Mailing List Address Description
ecorp Ecorp @listsrv.kahless-ro.org This list is the central on line forum for discussions about KAG's E-corps. Here Hints, suggestions, and discussions about any E-corps related ideas are encouraged. This is an open list and all are invited to participate.
Kagcounsel @listsrv.kahless-ro.org This is the list for productive discussion about where KAG is, and where it is going. It is not the place for political infighting or flaming. This list gets a lot of traffic. This is an open list and all are invited to participate.
qm-list @listsrv.kahless-ro.org This list is for the various Quartermasters to share information on Costuming and related matters.
command-list @kahless-ro.org This list was created at the request of several individuals for helping with questions about running a KAG ship, and what the rules/guidelines are. This list is rather slow.
xonet @listsrv.kahless-ro.org This list was created to help support the Ring of Fire Fleet First Officers network program. It is rather slow, if you know a first officer, point them at this list so we can all talk and share ideas. This is an open list and all are invited to participate.
crew @listsrv.kahless-ro.org This is a list just for members of the IKV Kahless Ro'. It is for announcements and discussions pertaining to the IKV Kahless Ro'. This is a closed list, intended only for members of the IKV Kahless Ro'.

To subscribe to any of the mailing lists on the Kahless Ro' server, send e-mail to [email protected]. In the body of the message put the following:

subscribe list-name user-name

Of course you will want to replace list-name with the name of the list you want to subscribe to, and user-name with your e-mail address.

To post a message to one of the lists simply send the message to the mailing list address if the list you want it posted to from the table above. Please keep in mind that some lists don't allow postings from people not subscribed to the list.

Now for what some people have asked about. Just how do the mailing lists from kahless-ro.org server actually work? Be warned there is a LOT of nerd-speak to follow.

manic.kahless-ro.org (AKA: kahless-ro.org, www.kahless-ro.org, listsrv.kahless-ro.org, etc) is a Pentium Pro 180 with 128Mb of RAM and 6 GIG of disk space, running FreeBSD 3.2-RELEASE.

E-mail services are handled by Sendmail 8.9. World Wide Web services are provided with Apache 1.25. This information will change from time to time, but the most up to date information on the server and the software can always be found at:

http://www.kahless-ro.org /departments/ecorps/serverinfo.html

The mailing lists are handled with a Majordomo 1.94A. When you send e-mail to [email protected], a real person doesn't see your mail; the majordomo program answers it. It reads the requests in the body of the message and deals with them as best as it can. This automates the business of subscribing and unsubscribing to the various lists, or in the case of closed lists it forwards the requests to the list maintainer. In this way majordomo keeps track of all the people subscribed to each list.

When you post to a mailing list, your e-mail message is delivered to an alias on the server. It is then re-sent to everyone on that particular list.

It seems pretty easy, huh? Well once it is all set up and running, it is. That is why even though the mailing list server was originally set up strictly to run the crew mailing list for members of the Kahless Ro' it was decided to make it available to other people in KAG that had a good idea for a mailing list. If you are interested in hosting a KAG related mailing list on listsrv.kahless-ro.org please send e-mail to [email protected] and let me know your idea.

For more information:
FreeBSD 3.2-RELEASE http://www.freebsd.org
Sendmail 8.9http://www.sendmail.org
Majordomo 1.94 http://www.greatcircle.com/majordomo

Daniel Davidson <[email protected]>
AKA Lt. Comdr. seq'dogh vestai to'meD
Commanding Officer, and E-Corps Officer,
IKV Kahless Ro', Ring of Fire Fleet
Klingon Assault Group
Email: [email protected]