Mindscanner #55 
>We Are Klingons<
by Chris Hoffbauer <[email protected]>
"We are Klingons"... a quote that has become infamous among the Trek universe and among many of the fan clubs. But what does it have to do with us? Well for some of us the winter time is a slow period of conventions, so this is a reminder of what it is to be Klingon. As everyone knows a Klingon is an alien race of the Trek Universe. If some was to ask, "What is a Klingon?", an answer might be they are the ones with the long hair, bumpy heads, and bad tempers. But Klingons are more than bad tempered, long haired, stubby headed humanoids, they are a whole civilization.

As Worf once said "It is not enough to look like a Klingon, one must act like one." Klingons value Honor above all things. This sense of Honor we share as Klingons is binding to us all. Honor is what keeps us true of heart. I have heard stories and seen with my own eyes that this is the essence of KAG. Right and wrong actions are determined by Honor. We who portray Klingons must keep this in mind.

Another part of Klingon life is Duty. Though we may not have an empire to support, we should be duty bound to our group. By this I refer to both the large and small picture (e.g. Large = KAG, Small = ship). Yes we should support them, but not if you disagree with what they may ask of you, after all we are doing this for fun, this is not the military. We should also do what we can to support others out side of our groups whether they are sci-fi or not. An example would be a Jail&Bail where the proceeds go to a good cause other than lining your pockets.

Of course there is Battle...what can I say about this? Klingons love to fight, but we all must remember that it is all in good fun and not to take it too far. You must respect people who do not wish to fully portray the Klingon side of their personality, because if you don't, someone is bound to always get hurt. Gees, I sound like my mom!

Anyway last but not least.....one word....PARTY! This is an observation only. With the time I have spent at conventions thus far the Klingons throw the best parties....or should I say the best parties are where the Klingons are. There are probably whole novels worth of information I could talk about on Klingons,

but these are the ones that are most visible. Just remember as Klingons we don't do anything that would disgrace us and we like to have fun. So when you're out and about and someone asks what you are, Proudly state "WE ARE KLINGONS!"

Lt. Mob ghar of the Demon Justice
Chris Hoffbauer

At the 1999 Camp Dover Peace Conference, high spirited Demon fleet members rallied an impromptu meeting.